Welcome to 5 th Grade Welcome to 5 th Grade Trailblazers Team Mrs. Dunphy and Mrs. Shepard
Tonight’s Schedule Team Expectations Team Expectations Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences Fill out DOJO address Fill out DOJO address If interested, sign up for PASS committees and/or classroom volunteers. If interested, sign up for PASS committees and/or classroom volunteers.
Mrs. Dunphy 6 years of teaching 6 years of teaching (All years here at Avon) From Brownsburg, IN From Brownsburg, IN Graduated from Purdue University in 2008 Graduated from Purdue University in 2008 Completed some graduate classes at Indiana Wesleyan University Completed some graduate classes at Indiana Wesleyan University
My Family
Mrs. Shepard 15th year teaching in Avon 15th year teaching in Avon From Danville, IN From Danville, IN Graduated from Indiana University in 2000 Graduated from Indiana University in 2000 Graduated with a Master’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2003 Graduated with a Master’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2003
My Family
Trailblazer Team Mrs. Dunphy Mrs. Dunphy Math Math Science Science Mrs. Shepard Mrs. Shepard Language Arts Language Arts Social Studies Social Studies
On the Back Table Trailblazer Team Brochure Trailblazer Team Brochure Papers to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences Papers to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences Sign up sheet for volunteers Sign up sheet for volunteers DOJO form DOJO form Note to leave for your son or daughter Note to leave for your son or daughter
DAILY SCHEDULE 7:45-7:55 Lockers 7:45-7:55 Lockers 7:55-9:25Rotation 1 7:55-9:25Rotation 1 Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Language Arts Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Language Arts Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Math Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Math 9:30-10:55Rotation 2 9:30-10:55Rotation 2 Mrs. Shepard’s Class-Math Mrs. Shepard’s Class-Math Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Language Arts Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Language Arts 10:55-11:15 SRT 10:55-11:15 SRT 11:20-11:50Lunch 11:20-11:50Lunch 11:50-12:00Recess 11:50-12:00Recess 12:05-12:50 Specials 12:05-12:50 Specials
Continuing with Schedule 12:55-1:40 12:55-1:40 Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Science Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Science Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Social Studies Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Social Studies 1:45-2:30 1:45-2:30 Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Social Studies Mrs. Shepard’s Class- Social Studies Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Science Mrs. Dunphy’s Class- Science 2:30-2:40 Pack-Up/Agenda 2:30-2:40 Pack-Up/Agenda 2:40 Dismissal 2:40 Dismissal
CONFERENCE SCHEDULES The Week of September 8 th are conferences. The Week of September 8 th are conferences. Please sign up for a conference time (Student Name / Parent Name) if you did not do so already. Please sign up for a conference time (Student Name / Parent Name) if you did not do so already. Students will not participate in the conference. Students will not participate in the conference.
P.A.S.S. Committees Your help makes a difference! Please sign-up for one of our P.A.S.S. Committees Please sign-up for one of our P.A.S.S. Committees Please volunteer as a classroom helper. Please volunteer as a classroom helper. A classroom helper may hang bulletins, assist with projects, and help however he or she chooses. A classroom helper may hang bulletins, assist with projects, and help however he or she chooses.
School Website Please check out our homeroom class webpages as well. We will update them weekly with our classroom objects for the week and up coming test/projects. Please check out our homeroom class webpages as well. We will update them weekly with our classroom objects for the week and up coming test/projects. Please check agendas nightly for homework updates. Please check agendas nightly for homework updates.
PowerParent Parents should be able to look at students progress now. Parents should be able to look at students progress now. Grades will be updated every Tuesday by 5:00 pm. Grades will be updated every Tuesday by 5:00 pm. If you have a concern/question regarding a grade, please contact the teacher teaching that subject. Homeroom teachers can only see grades of the subjects they are teaching. If you have a concern/question regarding a grade, please contact the teacher teaching that subject. Homeroom teachers can only see grades of the subjects they are teaching.
Math Units of Study – Number Sense, Computation, Algebra and Functions, Geometry, Measurement, Probability, Data Analysis, and Problem Solving Units of Study – Number Sense, Computation, Algebra and Functions, Geometry, Measurement, Probability, Data Analysis, and Problem Solving 5 th and 6 th grade standards 5 th and 6 th grade standards Math Notebook Math Notebook Mountain Math Mountain Math Homework Homework Ascend Math and Study Island Ascend Math and Study Island Pearson Success (student ID#/avon2014) Pearson Success (student ID#/avon2014) Projects: Students who tested out of the Topic will work on alternative IN-CLASS projects/games/activities. Projects: Students who tested out of the Topic will work on alternative IN-CLASS projects/games/activities. Quizzes and Tests Quizzes and Tests
LANGUAGE ARTS READING: READING: MH Reading Series MH Reading Series MH Basal MH Basal 40 Book Challenge 40 Book Challenge Reader’s Notebook (response to reading) Reader’s Notebook (response to reading) Word Study (Vocabulary through Morphemes) Word Study (Vocabulary through Morphemes) Username: acscID####### Username: acscID####### Password: avon2013 Password: avon2013 SPELLING: Focus on using correct spelling in written work as well as spelling patterns. SPELLING: Focus on using correct spelling in written work as well as spelling patterns. ENGLISH: ENGLISH: Gotcha Grammar Gotcha Grammar Grammar Voyage (Michael Clay Thompson) Grammar Voyage (Michael Clay Thompson) Various writing projects both small and large. Various writing projects both small and large.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Classroom management creates an environment conducive to learning. Student Agendas Student Agendas Ask to see their agendas! Students write in them daily. Ask to see their agendas! Students write in them daily. Class DOJO Class DOJO s will go out on Fridays s will go out on Fridays Incentives Incentives 9 week celebrations (Gold Card Members) 9 week celebrations (Gold Card Members) Marshmallow Dodgeball Marshmallow Dodgeball Timely Transitions to earn bonus recess Timely Transitions to earn bonus recess Electronic Time Electronic Time Coupons Coupons Twitter Board Twitter Board Family First Pass Family First Pass
IMPORTANT DATES Mark your calendars. Mark your calendars. September 1 st -No School Labor Day September 1 st -No School Labor Day September 8 th - 12 th - Delayed Schedule due to Parent Teacher Conferences. September 8 th - 12 th - Delayed Schedule due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Please be aware that there will be 1hr. delays approximately every month for professional development. Please be aware that there will be 1hr. delays approximately every month for professional development.
Don’t Forget… Sign up for a conference Sign up for a conference Sign up for a P.A.S.S. Committee Sign up for a P.A.S.S. Committee Sign up as a Classroom Helper Sign up as a Classroom Helper Leave your for DOJO messages Leave your for DOJO messages PowerParent Instructions PowerParent Instructions
Note to Your Child Leave a special note to your child! Please just leave it on their homeroom teacher’s table, and we will get it to your child. Leave a special note to your child! Please just leave it on their homeroom teacher’s table, and we will get it to your child.
Contact Information Mrs. Kathryn Dunphy School Phone: (317) Ext Mrs. Christy Shepard School Phone: (317) Ext. 5964