A data delivery protocol for extremely resource constrained wireless sensors International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions 2016/09/02 R.E. Hapuarachchi, A. Sayakkara, C. I. Keppetiyagama
Outline Introduction & Motivation Research question Related work Design & Architecture Protocol implementation Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction & Motivation
Introduction Monitoring applications are used widely. Environmental Monitoring Home & Office monitoring Temperature Light Humidity Sensor motes are used widely for these monitoring applications.
Sensor Motes Motes contains number of sensors built in. Contains a MCU & wireless transceiver Capable of processing as well Contains a real time OS (TinyOS, Contiki) Programmable Costs around $100 Implements the full IPv6 stack
Motivation Number of conceptual application designs Very few applications leverage dense networks Most of the applications in small environments are not using multi-hop communication. Processing power increased with the time. Cortex M0 – M7 Battery life growth is relatively low.
Motivation It is possible to build sensor nodes which are, Cost effective ( Less than $15) Resource constrained Low power MCU Low power wireless transceiver Can use single hop communication in a small environment. Eliminate complex routing mechanisms. Save energy. Will add more value to Home & Office context
Motivation IEEE Frame
Research Question
How to design a low complexity protocol to have low processing overhead in the sensor node? How to achieve lower duty cycling mechanism to reduce the energy wastage? Is it possible to achieve higher packet delivery ratio by using the proposed protocol?
Related Work
Data communication Channel access is controlled by the MAC protocol. Number of MAC protocols are available for data communication in wireless networks. Focuses on, Channel separation & access Topology Power Transmission initiation Traffic load and scalability Range MAC Protocols
Mechanisms used in existing MAC protocols S-MAC Agree to SYNC time to communicate Uses RTS/CTS packets. Operates in a single layer Uses link layer scheduling ContikiMAC Upon wakeup it keep sending data until sender receives ACK packet. (Avoid beacon retransmission) B-MAC Employs an adaptive preamble to reduce idle listening. Eliminates control packet overhead by not using RTS/CTS packets. Periodic channel check using Low Power Listening. But preamble overhead is considerable. For 36 bytes of data, preamble size 271bytes. RI-MAC Receiver initiated communication.
Mechanisms used in existing MAC protocols Transmit Only Consider that the C/A is unnecessary and wasteful. Consists with multiple receivers to avoid collisions. Used in dense wireless systems Receivers are deployed in a way that each transmitter is within a single hop of one or more receivers. Exploit the capture effect to reduce the effective contention between transmitters. Bernhard Firner, The State University of New Jersey
Energy Management Energy waste factors in MAC protocols Idle listening Collisions Control Packet Overhead Overhearing Over emitting Packet Size
Energy Management Energy saving mechanisms used in different MAC protocols Duty cycling Energy-efficient scheduling Scheduled rendezvous On-demand wake-up scheme
Design & Architecture
DispSense Architecture Sensor Node Mother Mote
Networking Stack Sensor MoteMother MoteOuter world
Protocol Architecture
Protocol Design
Hardware Implementation
Mother Mote Raspberry PI Arduino PCDuino Custom Device Higher processing power Wireless Transceiver Networking capability
Mother Mote Arduino UNO NRf24L01 Image Source:
Sensor Node ATtiny85 MCU NRf24L01 Wireless Transceiver 2x AA Battery
Protocol Implementation
Arduino as coding environment for both Sensor node and the Mother Mote. Mirf library. Used Mirf SPI driver for the Mother mote and Mirf SPI 85 Driver for the Sensor node (ATtiny85 chip) Used USBASP as the programmer for Attiny85 MCU.
Binary File Size Evaluation TinyOS
Binary File Size Evaluation ContikiOS Module Sizes
Binary File Size Evaluation Attiny 85 Capacity= 8KB (8,192 bytes) Compiled Binary Size = 2.19KB (2240 bytes) ContikiOS binary size= 8082 bytes TinyOS binary size = 9859 bytes
Binary File Size Evaluation
Protocol Evaluation Used Parameters Ttotal = 5S Tdata = 4S TnewNod= 1S Twindow size is a variable. Packet Size is 32 bytes for all experiments. Evaluated with Single Mother Mote up to Four Mother Motes.
Single Mother Mote Node Placement
Single Mother Mote
Node Placement
Single Mother Mote
Node Placement
Single Mother Mote
Comparison D < 1M1M <D < 3M 3M < D < 5M
Packet Delivery with Distance (M)
Two Mother Motes Node Placement
Two Mother Motes
Mother Mote 1Mother Mote 2
Three Mother Motes Node Placement
Three Mother Motes
Mother Mote 1Mother Mote 2 Mother Mote 3
Four Mother Motes Node Placement
Four Mother Motes
Mother Mote 1Mother Mote 2 Mother Mote 3Mother Mote 4
Duty Cycle Analysis
Clock Drift Analysis
Conclusion & Future Work
Conclusion Binary File size is smaller than ContikiOS and TinyOS binary files. TinyOS does not fit in to Attiny85 Chip. ContikiOS binary files almost take up the entire memory. Using about 4 Mother Motes, a large area can be coverd.. Protocol performs well up to 4 Mother Motes and can handle 20 sensor nodes while maintaining over 98% PDR. Have lower Duty Cycle ratio than X MAC, RI MAC and Wise MAC protocols. But ContikiMAC protocol has a lower Duty Cycle ratio. Higher data rates are not evaluated
Future Work Evaluate protocol for dense networks. Using simulator Using real devices Evaluate performance of the protocol in real applications. Remove the overhead of community libraries used in the implementation. Mirf SPI SPI85 nRF24L01
Thank you
MCU Comparison ModuleRAMROMInst.Current (uA) MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
Wireless Transceivers Comparison
Duty Cycle Analysis
SPI RF-SETUP (RF_PWR) RF Output Power DC current consumption 110dBm11.3mA 10-6dBm9.0mA 01-12dBm7.5mA 00-18dBm7.0mA nRF24L01power consumption on different power levels
Existing MAC protocols S-MAC Agree to SYNC time to communicate Uses RTS/CTS packets. Operates in a single layer Uses link layer scheduling S-MAC Timing relationship of a receiver and multiple senders by W. Ye, J. Heidemann
Existing MAC protocols ContikiMAC Uses Duty Cycling Upon wakeup it keep sending data until sender receives ACK packet. (Avoid beacon retransmission) ContikiMAC Overview by A.Dunkels
Existing MAC protocols B-MAC Employs an adaptive preamble to reduce idle listening. Eliminates control packet overhead by not using RTS/CTS packets. Periodic channel check using Low Power Listening. But preamble overhead is considerable. For 36 bytes of data, preamble size 271bytes. B-MAC Overview by J. Cabra
Existing MAC protocols RI-MAC Nodes have own schedule. Receiver sends a beacon and sender will transmit the data. Receiver acknowledgement will also invite the next packet. RI-MAC Overview by Y. Sun et al.
Energy Management Sleep & wake mechanism to conserve energy. Different D/C mechanisms available. Answers to the Idle listening problem. Disadvantage D/C will stop working of the whole network or portion of the network. SMAC uses adaptive D/C to overcome this. Duty Cycling
Energy Management Efficient scheduling according to the demand of the network. This will reduce the energy consumption at all levels of the network. Common design goal: Maximize the network lifetime. Scheduling mechanism can be classified into two major categories: Distributed scheduling mechanisms in a nonhierarchical networks Distributed scheduling mechanisms in hierarchical networks Energy Efficient Scheduling
Energy Management Neighbors of a node will have a prescheduled rendezvous time to wake up and communicate. All the nodes will sleep until the next rendezvous time. Guarantee that whenever a node wakes up, all the neighbors are also awake at the moment. Used in environmental monitoring. Strict scheduling and clock drifting might affect the protocol significantly. Scheduled Rendezvous
Energy Management Multiple radios are being used. One radio which consume less energy will broadcast a wake-up tone to neighbors. No data encoded in the wake-up tone. Use the other node to transfer data. Advantage Receiver has only to detect the energy of the channel without attempting to decoding a data packet. Disadvantage Increased complexity. All the neighbors will wakeup because of the wake-up tone. Additional radios will add extra cost. On Demand Wake-up scheme
Single Mother Mote <1M Range
Single Mother Mote <3M Range
Single Mother Mote <5M Range
Two Mother Motes
Three Mother Motes