Welcome to Year Two!
Second Year Induction Dr. Tom Randell & David (DD) Davies
Structure of the Session Academic and Pastoral Support Other Key Contacts Student Representation Health and Safety Curriculum and Assessments Research Credits Careers and Employability Questions and Answers Refreshments in Garden Court (11.00 – 11.50)
Academic and Pastoral Support Personal Tutor – Academic guidance – Referral for specialist advice – Confidentiality may include others – Meeting with tutor this week Director of Student Support (Ed Redhead) Student Services Centre (Building 37) – If you need help or advice, just ask!
Other Key Contacts No Year Two Tutor! Topics and Placements Coordinator (MKA) – Coordinate student selection of options and management of allocations – Coordinate placement opportunities Director of Undergraduate Studies (AG)
Student Representation Your two Year Reps, El Brown and Jadey Bullock, would like to hear from your regarding your experience of the School’s Year Two provision El and Jadey will present your comments and requests to the School at Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC). Urgent matters will be reported directly to the Director of Student Support (Ed Redhead)
Health and Safety “It is your responsibility to conduct yourself in a manner consistent with ensuring your own safety and that of others. Anyone who deliberately risks their own safety, or that of others, may be subject to disciplinary procedures. When engaged in University work, and in personal activities, you should be aware of personal security at all times, and take action to minimise potential risks to yourself and others.”
Health and Safety Please report any faults or hazards to School Safety Officer: Pete Dargie (44/3011) Qualified First Aiders: Pete Dargie (44/3011) & Sean Withill (44/3003) Always familiarise yourself with your room’s fire and emergency exit procedures Fire extinguishing equipment available on all floors for use by trained personnel only
Health and Safety Considerations for Final Year project: – You must discuss with your supervisor the safety implications of any proposed laboratory or applied research or fieldwork. – A formal risk assessment must be carried out, in conjunction with the supervisor, and strategies developed either to eradicate or to minimise risk. Ethical consent must also be obtained from the School’s Ethics Committee. – Further information available online (visit eFolio).
Fire and Fire Alarm Procedures Fire Alarm - a loud ringing bell tone…. – Treat all fire alarms as an actual emergency – Evacuate the building quickly and carefully – Do NOT use the lifts – Assemble well away from the building as directed by security staff
Fire and Fire Alarm Procedures If you notice a fire, you should: 1.Immediately raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm call point using your elbow or shoe. 2.Ensure that the Fire Brigade is called by reporting to someone in authority, or by dialling from a safe University telephone. 3.Inform the University Maintenance Control Centre by dialling If in any doubt or danger, however, leave the building immediately!
Curriculum and Assessment Eight Units: six lecture-based, two practical*: Semester 1 PSYC 2003Social Psychology PSYC 2018Perception PSYC 2019Research Methods and Data Analysis 3* PSYC 2021Language and Memory Semester 2 PSYC 2005Individual Differences: Personality and Intelligence PSYC 2006Biology: Behaviour and Learning PSYC 2007Developmental Psychology PSYC 2020Psychological Research Laboratory 2*
Curriculum and Assessment Approximate weighting of assessment – Coursework (70%) – Exams (30%) Attendance at practical classes compulsory: three or more absences = maximum 40% Absences and requests for extension to deadlines must be formally reported to and authorised by the School
Curriculum and Assessment Online submission for all units Automatic plagiarism check Automatic word count check – Fewer than 50 words over limit, five marks off. – More than 50 words over limit, 10 marks off. – Inconsistency between declared and actual word counts, additional five marks off and potential disciplinary action by School. Late submission - three marks off per day
Curriculum and Assessment Feedback on assignments: – Supervisors have many students and multiple roles and responsibilities within the School – Standardised forms for summative feedback, additional formative feedback provided – It is your responsibility to act on feedback! – Additional advice and feedback is available from your tutor on request, just ask!
Curriculum and Assessment Rigorous and standardised marking process: – All assessment materials and assignments are both internally and externally moderated Marks weighted across years: – Year 2 = 33% of Degree – Year 3 = 67% of Degree Marks averaged across units You must pass every Year Two unit to progress to your Final Year (Pass = 40%)
Curriculum and Assessment If You fail the Year, you cannot ask to retake the year or have papers remarked. If You fail the Year, you will have to re-sit exams for all failed units during the Supplemental Period. If you fail these re-sits, you will have to stay back a year and retake failed units.
Research Credits Credits linked to each of six lecture-based Year Two units: – One credit = 15 minutes research participation. – You must obtain 8 credits per unit (2.5% of mark per unit). – Total for six units = 48 credits (1.5% of overall Year Two mark). You must obtain half of your credits in Semester 1, half in Semester 2 (i.e., for Psychology students, 24 per semester). Credits cannot be carried over, or made up, across semesters. Missing credits in either semester must be made up in Year Three before you can use the participant pool. If you cannot use the participant pool, you cannot complete your Final Year Project.
Curriculum and Assessment To obtain a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Psychology (& GBR), you must: – Pass your Second and Third Years of study – Achieve an overall mark of 50 or above – Pass your Final Year Literature Review – Pass your Final Year Research Paper
Special Considerations If you are experiencing special circumstances that are seriously your affecting your ability to study, you must notify tutor and the School Office as soon as possible: – Retrospective appeals are less plausible – Supportive documentation is required – Stress is not a special circumstance – Failure to plan ahead is not a special circumstance Assessments cannot be rescheduled. If you miss an assessment owing to special circumstances, you can take that assessment in the Supplemental Period. If you miss an assessment in the absence of such circumstances, you will receive a mark of zero.
Careers and Employability Fewer than 21 months until end of degree! Plan your career path/further study Build your CV and transferable skills – Work experience and volunteering – Clubs and societies – School Placement Scheme: contact Sean Withill Attend Careers Destinations workshops, Careers Week, and seek careers advice
Further Information The Student Handbook: services/handbook/ services/handbook/
Questions and Answers
Refreshments with Tutors and Final Year students at Garden Court – 11.50