Windsor Review Annette Demers Associate Dean, Law Library and Legal Research Services
Statute Sources Federal Consolidated Statutes and Regulations - Justice Laws Ontario Consolidated Statutes and Regulations – E-Laws Other Provinces Review McCarney, et al. The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing and Analysis, (Emond 2015).
Consolidated Statute Citations Federal Access to Information Act, RSC 1985, c A-1, s 1. Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act, SC 1996, c 17, s 1. Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, RSO 1990, c O.1. Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 17. For full details, see McGill Guide at pages E-23 to E-46.
Case Law Sources Supreme Court Reports SCC Lexum: Post-2000 Court Decisions CanLII WestlawNext Canada Lexis Advance Quicklaw Pre-2000 Court Decisions Printed reporter (law library) Tribunal Decisions CanLII Lexis Advance Quicklaw
Case Law Citations 5 key elements: 1.Style of cause (party names) 2.Citation to the source being used. 3.Parallel citation. 4.Year of decision. 5.Level of court.
Case Law Citations 1.Style of cause (party names). -use the short form, if available, usually noted on the case itself under “Indexed As”: See McGill pages E-51 to E-56.
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source to use following these guidelines: a.If there is an official source, use it; if not: b.If the decision was released after 2000, a copy from Quicklaw, Westlaw or CanLII should be fine; provide the neutral citation, then parallel cite to the copy being used and pinpoint to a paragraph number. c.If the decision was released before 2000, use semi- official reporter or reporter of large geographic scope and pinpoint to page number.
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source to use following these guidelines: b. If the decision was released after 2000, a copy from Quicklaw, Westlaw or CanLII should be fine; provide the neutral citation, then parallel cite to the copy being used and pinpoint to a paragraph number.
Neutral Citation Moving forward, you will usually see a neutral citation applied at the top of every case that you pull up on Quicklaw, Westlaw and CanLII. A neutral citation looks like: 2015 SCC 63
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source to use following these guidelines: b. If the decision was released after 2000, a copy from Quicklaw, Westlaw or CanLII should be fine; provide the neutral citation, then parallel cite to the copy being used and pinpoint to a paragraph number.
2.parallel cite to the copy being used: Copy from Westlaw: R v Grandison, 2016 BCSC 1712, 2016 CarswellBC 2600 (WL Can). Copy from Quicklaw: R v Grandison, 2016 BCSC 1712, [2016] BCJ No 1967 (QL).
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source to use following these guidelines: a.If there is an official source, use it; if not: b.If the decision was released after 2000, a copy from Quicklaw, Westlaw or CanLII should be fine; provide the neutral citation, then parallel cite to the copy being used and pinpoint to a paragraph number. c.If the decision was released before 2000, use semi- official reporter or reporter of large geographic scope and pinpoint to page number.
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source. Official Sources Semi-Official Sources Unofficial sources – preference for reporters of larger scope
Case Law Citations 2.Citation to the source being used. Choose the best source. Available parallel citations:
Case Law Citations R v Morgentaler, [1993] 3 SCR 463 at 464, 125 NSR (2d) 81. R v McKenna, 2015 SCC 63 at para 25, [2015] 3 SCR 973. West End Construction Ltd v Minister of Labour (Ontario)(1986), 14 CPC (2d) 167 at 169, 62 DLR (4 th ) 329 (Div Ct).
Books Library Catalogue: Other Book Sources:
Book Citation Philip Girard, Bora Laskin: Bringing Law to Life (Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2005) at 20.
Chapter Citation Adelle Blackett, “Promoting Domestic Workers’ Human Dignity through Specific Regulation” in Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, ed. Domestic Service and the Formation of European Identity: Understanding the Globalization of Domestic Work: 16 th -21 st Centuries (Bern: Peter Lang SA, Editions scientifiques europeennes, 2005) 211 at 215.
Journal Articles Hein Online:
Journal Articles Print version (library catalogue) Leddy Library’s Journal List: Westlaw (watch pagination)
Westlaw (pages noted)
Westlaw (NO pages noted)
Citing Journal Articles John Borrows, “Creating an Indigenous Legal Community” (2005) 50:1 McGill LJ 153 at 155.
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