Introduction – Using the International Protocol Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction – Using the International Protocol Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015 INTERNATIONAL PROTOCOL, INTRODUCTION PAGES 10-12

 An overview of basic principles for the investigation or documentation of conflict-related sexual violence  It is intended as a practical guide to contribute to greater accountability for crimes of sexual violence  Part 1 (Modules 1-2) explains what sexual violence is and how it can constitute an international crime  Part 2 (Modules 3-9) covers practical documentation skills, including planning, interviewing and dealing with evidence What is the International Protocol? Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015

What is the purpose of the Protocol? Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015 Increasing accountability Not just criminal prosecutions Civil claims, human rights litigation, reparations Post-conflict justice mechanisms Advocacy, awareness, public campaigning Improving standards More investigation and documentation of sexual violence Higher standard of evidence/information collected Better understanding of international legal requirements Practical guidance Relevant investigation/ documentation skills Planning and methodology Safe and effective interview skills Evidence/ information management

 Sexual violence is too often ignored or overlooked  Sexual violence is too often ignored or overlooked – making sure that it is prioritised, understood and properly investigated or documented can help prevent impunity  Many practitioners do not know how to safely and effectively investigate and document sexual violence crimes  Better understanding leads to more appropriate responses to survivors, better practice and stronger information/evidence  Stronger information/evidence leads to more accountability, more access to justice for victims and more effective advocacy Why is it important? Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015

Who can use the Protocol? Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015 ANYONE WHO IS DOCUMENTING SEXUAL VIOLENCE FOR ACCOUNTABILITY PURPOSES NGOs & civil society groups National authorities Judicial officers International investigators Human rights monitors Humanitarian organisations Journalists/ investigative reporters Advocacy & survivor groups

How to use the Protocol Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015 As a practical guide for fundamental investigation/documentation skills To improve understanding of the legal elements of international crimes As an overview of basic standards of international best practice To highlight the impact and challenges of conflict-related sexual violence As a guide to appropriate professional responses to survivors/witnesses To collect stronger evidence/information to pursue more accountability

Limitations of the Protocol Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015  The Protocol is not intended to be a rulebook or to impose universal standards for investigation/documentation  The principles contained in the Protocol represent a baseline of international best practice on how to investigate/document acts of sexual violence in a competent and effective way  Each jurisdiction will have its own specific legal definitions, cultural challenges and procedural/evidentiary requirements THE PRINCIPLES IN THE PROTOCOL MUST BE ADAPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR OWN CONTEXT

Terminology Training Materials on the International Protocol © Institute for International Criminal Investigations 2015 INVESTIGATION/ DOCUMENTATION  Investigation involves a search for facts and evidence to make findings about responsibility  Documentation is the collection of relevant, reliable information to explain or describe events INVESTIGATION/ DOCUMENTATION  Investigation involves a search for facts and evidence to make findings about responsibility  Documentation is the collection of relevant, reliable information to explain or describe events SURVIVORS/ VICTIMS  Many people who have been through sexual violence prefer to see themselves as survivors, not victims  Survivors can also be victims and witnesses in a legal sense, so those words will be used where relevant SURVIVORS/ VICTIMS  Many people who have been through sexual violence prefer to see themselves as survivors, not victims  Survivors can also be victims and witnesses in a legal sense, so those words will be used where relevant CONFLICT-RELATED SEXUAL VIOLENCE  Can occur as part of an armed conflict or widespread human rights abuses, not only in wartime  Amounts to an international crime (i.e. war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide) CONFLICT-RELATED SEXUAL VIOLENCE  Can occur as part of an armed conflict or widespread human rights abuses, not only in wartime  Amounts to an international crime (i.e. war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide) SEXUAL/ GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE  Difference is explained in greater detail in Module 1 – Understanding Sexual Violence  Same investigation/ documentation principles are relevant to both SEXUAL/ GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE  Difference is explained in greater detail in Module 1 – Understanding Sexual Violence  Same investigation/ documentation principles are relevant to both