Review Topics With Fact or Fib: Doge Edition We are going to play Such Fact or Such Fib. If it’s such fact, hold up the blue post it. If it’s such fib,


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Presentation transcript:

Review Topics With Fact or Fib: Doge Edition We are going to play Such Fact or Such Fib. If it’s such fact, hold up the blue post it. If it’s such fib, hold up the white post it.

Religion 1. Calvinists were Puritans who founded colonies in the south. 2. They believed in predestination. 3. The Quakers were some of the first abolitionists in the U.S. and settled around Pennsylvania. 4. Charles Grandison Finney was a major part of the First Great Awakening. 5. The Second Great Awakening spawned several reform movements, including prison reform (Dorothea Dix) and Education reform (Horace Mann)

Rebellions 6. Bacon’s Rebellion occurred in 1676 because Nathaniel Bacon was upset that the colony of Virginia did not retaliate for a native attack. 7. Shay’s Rebellion (1786) was begun by a veteran of the Civil War, upset about so many foreclosures on veterans. 8. Shay’s rebellion was allowed to continue with no action from the federal government. 9. Nat Turner’s Revolt of 1831 worried slave owners across the south.

Compromises 10. The Great Compromise (1787) helped decide how congressional representation would be determined. 11. The Missouri Compromise (1820) prohibited slavery north of 36°30′ except for in the state of Missouri. 12. The Compromise of 1850 allowed Texas to become a slave state, in exchange for a harsher fugitive slave law.

Native American Policy 13. Both Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson favored Indian removal. 14. Andrew Jackson oversaw the Trail of Tears. 15. The Dawes Severalty Act (1887) encouraged the assimilation of natives into mainstream society by essentially forcing them to live individually rather than in tribes.

Crucial Court Cases 16. Marbury v. Madison (1803) established judicial review, the idea that the Supreme Court can decide if a law is constitutional. 17. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ruled in favor of states rights when it said Maryland had a right to tax the federal government. 18. Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) reinforced that slaves were not American citizens.

Crucial Court Cases 19.Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) set the precedent that separate but equal facilities were uncontitutional. 20. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) upheld Plessy v. Ferguson. 21. Roe v. Wade is considered a victory for the feminist movement because it kept abortion legal.

Crucial Amendments 22. The first 12 amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. 23. The 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th amendments freed the slaves, gave them citizenship, and allowed African American men the right to vote. 24. The 18 th amendment prohibited alcohol. 25. The 19 th amendment was first time an amendment was used to repeal another (prohibition)

Crucial Amendments 26. Women got the right to vote with the 19 th amendment. 27. The 22 nd amendment, which set a maximum of 2 terms for the presidency was created because of Theodore Roosevelt. 28. The 17 th amendment was written to give more power to the average voter.

Immigration 29. The Irish immigrated to America as a result of push factors and settled in the northeastern cities. 30. The Old Immigration includes immigrants from western and southern Europe. 31. The New immigrants were more likely to assimilate into American culture quickly. 32. The Italians, Polish, and Russians are an example of New immigrants.

“Don’t forget the ladies.” Abigail Adams 33. The term cult of domesticity describes the traditional expectations of women to stay home and care for their families. 34. Advocates of women’s suffrage include Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, the Grimke sisters, and Lucretia Mott. 35. Margaret Sanger was an advocate of birth control. 36. Some western states gave women the right to vote before the 19 th amendment.