Carlton Oaks Style!!
Row 1, Col 1 A summary of what you have Learned from an experiment What is a conclusion?
2,1 Facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations What is data?
3,1 One way in which all living things are similar is that they are all made of tiny building blocks What are cells?
4,1 The factor that may change in response to the manipulated variable. What is a responding variable?
5,1 What is science? The way of learning about the natural world
1,2 The process of change that causes an organism to become more complex during its lifetime What is development?
2,2 variables The factors that can change in an experiment.
3,2 An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time. Controlled experiment
4,2 testable A hypothesis must be
5,2 What are conclusions? After interpreting data, a scientist will draw
1,3 What is a manipulated variable? A variable that is purposely changed in an experiment
2,3 What is classification? The process of grouping together items that are alike in some way.
3,3 put your equipment away, clean your work surface, wash your hands At the end of a lab, you should do what
4,3 What are safety symbols? Signs in the laboratory and in printed lab procedures that warn of possible dangers.
5,3 What is observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, and making models? five skills scientists use to learn more about the world
1,4 What is have structures and functions that are complementary.? A species of animal develops a specialized eye structure that enables the species to see better in its environment. The big idea in life science is that organisms,
2,4 The field of biology involves the study of What are plants, humans, insects?
3,4 What is physiology, cell biology, plant biology? What are three branches of life science?
4,4 What are variables? During an experiment, which factors must be controlled so that researchers can draw a logical conclusion from the experiment?
5,4 Counting the number of cookies on a plate is a What is a quantitative observation?