THE GIVER The Hero’s Journey
Ordinary World The everyday life of the hero before he knows he’s a hero. We learn details of our Hero including his true nature, capabilities, and outlook on life. What makes our hero human? How is he like us? The Hunger Games
Call to Adventure The Hero receives the call to action Example: threat to family/safety Threat to way of life Threat to community May not be an actual call, but it will ultimately disrupt the comfort of the Ordinary World. The challenge must be taken.
Refusal of the Call Although the hero may be eager to accept the call, he has fears that must be overcome. He gives it a second thought The problem may seem like too much to handle, and he may want to stay in the comfort of home. Lion King
Meeting the Mentor Crucial Point where the Hero desperately needs guidance. Possible Pros of the Mentor: Give an object of great importance Insight into the dilemma he faces Wise advice Practical training Self-Confidence The Mentor serves to dispel his doubts and fears and give him strength and courage
Crossing the Threshold The Hero is ready to answer the call to adventure. He may go willingly, or he may be pushed He finally crosses the threshold between the world he is familiar with and the one he is not Leaving home for the first time Doing something he’s scared to do The threshold represents his commitment to his journey
Test, Enemies, Allies The hero will be tested in a variety of ways Obstacles are thrown across his path; physical and mental. The Hero must overcome each challenge He finds out who he can trust and who he can’t Skills and powers are tested. With each test we should identify with the hero more and more. We're Off to See the Wizard
Approach to the Inmost Cave Place where a terrible danger or an inner conflict resides. Up until now, the hero has not had to face this He must face fears or doubts that first surfaced upon his call to adventure. This causes the audience to understand the magnitude of what lies ahead.
Supreme Ordeal A task the Hero must face in order to survive or for the world to continue to exist. Facing a deadly foe Facing his greatest fear Physical test Deep inner crisis If he fails, he will either die or life as he knows it will never be the same.
Reward Hero survives death and overcomes his greatest personal challenge. Reward can come in many forms: Power A secret Greater knowledge Reconciliation with a loved one or ally
The Road Back He must return home with his reward This time, the Hero has a motivation of vindication, absolution, exoneration He still has to get back to the Ordinary World but now has a higher cause Hook
Resurrection The hero has his final and most dangerous encounter with death. Represents something greater than himself. If he fails, others will suffer He must destroy the enemy and emerge from battle cleansed and reborn. Indiana Jones Grail Scene
Return with the Elixir Final Stage of the Journey The Hero returns to the ordinary world as a changed man. He has grown as a person, and learned many things. He has a hope of what’s before him and a new perspective on life.