Click on E- registration Enter URL: 2 of 20
Click on Continue This is list of documents required to be submitted along with the form 3 of 20
Click on registration 4 of 20
Select for VAT or CST and click on submit 5 of 20
Fill the P tax enrollment no. and click on submit Note : if you don’t have a P Tax registration, you will have to acquire it first. 6 of 20
Select the charge/ nearest Vat authority Submit Here 7 of 20
Provide for nature of occupancy of the business premises Legal status of the organization Nature of Business 8 of 20
Trade License No. Date of issue of trade license Provide the Sales/ Purchase details for current and previous year Date of commencement of Sales & Purchase Date on which liability to register under Vat became compulsory 9 of 20
Provide detail for Branches, if any Address of branch(s) within West Bengal Add, in case of multiple branches Address of branch(s) outside West Bengal 10 of 20
Provide detail of contact person: Name, Designation, Address, Telephone Details of Contact Person 11 of 20
Detail of Warehouses, if any 12 of 20
Name of the Article Nature of Dealing Taxable or Not Add, in case of multiple articles Commodity detail 13 of 20
Bank details Name Branch A/c Type A/c No. Add: In case of multiple Bank A/c’s 14 of 20
Details in case of Owner/Partner Name of the partner, DOB, Interest in business etc. Address of the partner PAN of the partner Add: for all partners 15 of 20
Partners personal bank account detail 16 of 20
Details of MD/Directors etc. Name DOB Designation Service Period Residential address of Directors PAN Add: all Directors 17 of 20
Provide Status & address of the contact person Tick on declaration Put the Captcha & submit Submission of the form 18 of 20
Post submission steps 1.After the completely filled application form is submitted the acknowledgment slip will be generated along with Application Number. 2.Print the acknowledgment slip & copy of application with data. 3.Gather all the documents as mentioned in slide no. 3 4.Make payment of Rs.100/- through online bank payment as "Fee for Registration“ 5.Send all the necessary documents duly signed as mentioned in Acknowledgment Slip along with printed copy of application with data & acknowledgment slip and duly signed copy of the print-out of Annexure A/B with self attested photographs pasted there on, within three (3 days) days of application. 6.Applicant may use Temporary save feature against PAN and Trade License/Enlistment Certificate No. 7.After verification of all the documents submitted by you the department will ask you for a security deposit. After payment of security deposit and submission of challan the department will issue the certificate of registration. 19 of 20
You can Reach Us at : 5, Raja Subodh Mullick Road, 2 nd Floor, Kolkata – Phone : +91–33– / +91– Mobile : +91– Website : Thank You 20 of 20