59th Technical Committee Meeting, Barcelona (ES), March 26-27, 2012 SC A1 PREFERENTIAL SUBJECTS FOR 2014 SESSION DRAFT PS1: Developments in Rotating Electrical Machines and Experience in Service Improvements in design, manufacture, capacity, efficiency, insulation, cooling, bearings, materials, operation and maintenance. The influence of air, water and evaporative cooling in the expansion of the limits of generator capacity. Influence of customer specifications and grid operator requirements on the operation, design and cost of machines. Control, efficiency and operation of large motors in power plants.
59th Technical Committee Meeting, Barcelona (ES), March 26-27, 2012 SC A1 PREFERENTIAL SUBJECTS FOR 2014 SESSION DRAFT PS2: Life Management Refurbishment, replacement, power up-rating, efficiency improvement of aged generators. Economic evaluation of proposed alternatives. In-Situ Inspections (ISIs) with the aid of robots to provide assessment of some generator components, without rotor removal. Effects of torsional eletromechanical oscillations on the shaft fatigue of turbo-generators. Failure analysis: determination of root causes, prediction and prevention.
59th Technical Committee Meeting, Barcelona (ES), March 26-27, 2012 SC A1 PREFERENTIAL SUBJECTS FOR 2014 SESSION DRAFT PS3: Machines for Dispersed Generation and Renewable Energy (Wind power, micro-turbine, wave and tidal power, bulb units, small hydro power plants ) Design, manufacture, development, capacity, generation costs, efficiency, monitoring and diagnosis. Effects of grid faults on machine performance and control strategies. Future evolution trends in machines for dispersed generation.