The Olympian Gods Part I. Jupiter Zeus king of gods god of the sky/heavens depicted as a middle-aged man with a beard symbols = eagle, lightening bolt,


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Presentation transcript:

The Olympian Gods Part I

Jupiter Zeus king of gods god of the sky/heavens depicted as a middle-aged man with a beard symbols = eagle, lightening bolt, scepter

Juno Hera married to Jupiter goddess of women, marriage, & childbirth symbols = peacock & crown

Neptune Poseidon god of the sea Jupiter’s brother symbols = trident & sea horses

Mars Ares god of war father of the Roman people (Romulus) symbols = helmet, spear, & armor sacred animal = wolf had love affairs with Venus

Venus Aphrodite goddess of love & beauty born from the sea son = Cupid married to Vulcan symbols = dove, shell, mirror, apple

Minerva Athena goddess of wisdom & skill (e.g. weaving) born from Jupiter’s head depicted wearing a helmet & carrying her aegis symbols = helmet, armor, owl, aegis

The Olympian Gods Part II

Ceres Demeter goddess of harvest daughter is Proserpina (Persephone) symbols = grain, cornucopia, torch

Diana Artemis goddess of hunting, wilderness, & wild animals twin of Apollo virgin goddess symbols = bow, arrow, moon

Apollo god of music, prophecy, the arts, medicine/healing had oracles at Delphi & Cumae symbols = lyre, snake, crow, laurel, bow & arrow

Bacchus Dionysus god of wine & theater cult was banned from Rome in the 2 nd century AD often accompanied by satyrs symbols = grapes & grape leaves, cup, thyrsus (staff), big cats (e.g. panther)

Mercury Hermes messenger god god of roads, travel, thieves, cunningness symbols = staff, winged shoes, traveler’s cloak

Vulcan Hephaestus husband of Venus renowned for his ugliness smith god god of fire, volcanoes, metal- working symbols = hammer, tongs, donkey

What is the Roman name for each Greek god? 1.Dionysus 2.Aphrodite 3.Demeter 4.Zeus 5.Poseidon 6.Hera 7.Hermes 8.Athena