Human Geography of the United States: Shaping an Abundant Land The United States has grown both physically and economically. In the 20 th century, the U.S. set aside isolationism and became the world’s sole superpower. Old ranch houses near Telluride, Colorado. NEXT
Section 1 History and Government of the United States 8 slides
Creating a Nation Room to Move The United States: -occupies two-fifths of North America -world’s third largest country in land area, population Has constant migration—movement of peoples within the country History and Government of the United States SECTION 1 NEXT Continued... 1
SECTION 1 Many Peoples Settle the Land Asian nomads come across Berengia- land bridge between Asia and North America Spaniards are second to arrive -St. Augustine (Florida) is oldest settlement French settlers arrive next -want fish and fur continued Creating a Nation NEXT Continued... 2
SECTION 1 NEXT Many Peoples Settle the Land Last is British; first permanent town, Jamestown, Virginia Force Native Americans to move, bring African slaves to work plantations Columbian Exchange between Old, New Worlds: plants, animals, disease continued Creating a Nation Continued... 3
SECTION 1 NEXT Establishing and Maintaining the Union American Revolution (1775–1783): British colonies form United States 1803 Louisiana Purchase from France doubles size of U.S. -includes all land between Mississippi and Rockies continued Creating a Nation Continued... 4
SECTION 1 NEXT Establishing and Maintaining the Union Sectionalism—loyalty to region over nation—grows, creates tension -Civil War fought between North (factories) and South(farms/slavery) from 1861 to 1865 continued Creating a Nation 5
An Industrial and Urban Society Westward Movement Pioneers venture west over the Oregon Trail—2,000 mile, 6 month journey over prairie, desert, mountains Frontier—free, open land between the Mississippi and the Pacific SECTION 1 NEXT Continued... 6
Governing the People The United States’ Political System Representative democracy— people rule through elected representatives Federal republic—powers divided between national, state governments SECTION 1 NEXT 7
Three separate, equal branches: -executive branch headed by president, carries out laws -legislative branch makes laws, Congress -judicial branch interprets laws, Judges 8
NEXT Section 2 Economy and Culture of the U.S. 8 slides
The World’s Greatest Economic Power The U.S. Leads World’s largest economy: agricultural, manufacturing, trade leader -U.S. accounts for more than 10% of world’s exports—goods sold to another country Success is due to resources, skilled labor, stable political system Free enterprise economy- businesses operate for profit with little governmental control SECTION 2 NEXT Continued... 1
SECTION 2 NEXT An Agricultural Giant Due to fertile soil and good machines, U.S. accounts for 40% of world’s corn; 20% of cotton; 10% of wheat, cattle, hogs continued The World’s Greatest Economic Power Continued... 2
SECTION 2 NEXT An Agricultural and Industrial Giant Industrial centers: -older: Atlantic Coast, Great Lakes -newer: urban South, Pacific coast Areas become associated with certain products: -Silicon Valley (northern California): computers continued The World’s Greatest Economic Power Continued... 3
SECTION 2 NEXT A Postindustrial Economy A service industry produces a service rather than a product U.S. is a postindustrial society- where manufacturing no longer plays a dominant role. - Multinationals- American companies who conduct business worldwide continued The World’s Greatest Economic Power 4
A Diverse Society The American Melting Pot Nation of immigrants; largest ethnic groups include English/Irish/French, German, African and Mexican Europeans ancestry accounts for 66% of population followed by 15% Hispanic, 13% African American, 5% Asian,1% Native American SECTION 2 5
2 NEXT continued A Diverse Society Continued... Languages and Religion English is dominant language, Spanish is second most common Religious breakdown: Christian 75%, Jews, Muslims 2% each, 15% no religion, 6% other 6
SECTION 2 NEXT The Arts and Popular Culture Hollywood is filmmaking center of U.S., supplies movies to the world American music developed from various ethnic groups: jazz, blues, gospel, and rock ‘n’ roll have African- American origins -country and bluegrass come from Southern whites of British ancestry continued A Diverse Society 7
SECTION 2 NEXT How Americans Live, Work, and Play Almost 60% of working-age Americans are employed 1 in 8 Americans live in poverty Kids age 5 to16 are required to attend school -90% attend public schools U.S. has over 2,600 4-year public and private colleges, universities Leisure activities: hobbies, video games, libraries, TV, films, computers, sports continued American Life Today 8
NEXT Section 3 Subregions of the United States 7 slides
The Northeast The Region New England—six northern states of Northeast: -Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Mass., Rhode Island, Connecticut Middle Atlantic states: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey Northeast has only 5% of land, but 20% of population Subregions of the United States SECTION 3 Continued... NEXT 1
SECTION 3 NEXT America’s Gateway Europeans settled here first; region served as immigration “gateway” continued The Northeast Continued... Megalopolis—several large cities grow together -“BosWash:” Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. 2
The Midwest The Region The Midwest—north-central U.S., known as the American Heartland SECTION 3 NEXT Continued... Agricultural and Industrial Heartland Central location, soil, climate make it nation’s “breadbasket”-corn, wheat, soy beans, meat, dairy 3
SECTION 3 NEXT The Region The South—1/4 of U.S. land, more than 1/3 of population -11 states were once part of the Confederacy The South Continued... The Old South Virginia was England’s first American colony South’s ethnic mix includes Africans, Hispanics, Cajuns, Creoles 4
SECTION 3 NEXT The New South Agriculture: cotton, tobacco, fruits, peanuts, rice, livestock -“Sunbelt” attracts manufacturing, tourists, retirees -industries: petroleum, steel, chemicals, textiles, electronics continued The South 5
The West The Region The West-from Great Plains to Pacific, plus Alaska and Hawaii SECTION 3 NEXT Continued... 6
SECTION 3 NEXT Developing the West California is most populous state -Los Angeles is the center Rapid growth due to air conditioning, irrigation Economy: foreign trade with Asia; -farms, ranches, logging, fish, mines, oil, tourism, film, computers continued The West 7
On a sticky note, write down one fact you learned today that you did not know before. Post it on the chalk board before you leave the room today.