Mail Entry Update 1
2 Streamlined Mail Acceptance Automation Simplification Full-ServiceeInduction Seamless Acceptance Remember that the future of mail is… Self Service Terminal
Full-Service Status Over 84% of eligible volume is participating in Full-Service Critical Full-Service verifications are being reviewed with the mailing industry Reports for industry to review New Move Update verification
v 1. Volume Information: Provides the count of container, handling units, and pieces that were provided in eDoc and included in the verification results on this tab. Postage statement counts are included on the Mailer Profile tab only. 2. Full-Service Verifications: These verifications compare the eDoc against the Full-Service preparation requirements for all Full-Service mailings, regardless of the Full-Service mail volume. 3. Move/Update Validation: This validation will replace the MERLIN Move/Update verification for mailers providing more than 75% of their volume as Full-Service. 4. Entry Point Validations: This validation checks the correctness of the USPS entry facility in the eDoc for mailers providing more than 75% of their volume as Full-Service. 5. eDoc Nesting/Sortation Validations: This validation checks the presort in the eDoc against labeling lists and presort rules for mailers providing more than 75% of their volume as Full- Service Electronic Verification
Full-Service Verifications: Mailer ID Service Type ID By/For Barcode Uniqueness Entry Facility Unlinked Co-palletization Electronic Verification 5
Move Update Census Move Update: Replaces the MERLIN PBV process for mailers who prepare more than 75% of eligible volume as full- service Include basic mailpieces with unique Imb included in eDoc Move Update are errors logged when: –A COA record is associated to electronic documentation –The later of the COA create date and COA effective date is between 95 days and 18 months of the postage statement finalization date Create exception for Legal Restraint mailers (January 2015) Exclude Single Piece Rate, MLNA, BNCO, Temporary, and Foreign addresses 6
Move Update Process 7 Change of Address log Move Update errors once the record has been aged more that 95 days based on postage statement finalization Move Update Error Creation Process
Mailer Scorecard Mail Owner vs eDoc Submitter There are two versions of the mailer scorecard available: eDoc Submitter: Used by the MSP to view results for all mailings pesented to the USPS in a month; only shows results if you submitted the eDoc Mail Owner/Mail Preparer: View results as a mail owner for your portion of a mailing OR view error counts by mail owner as an MSP
Mailer Scorecard Mail Owner vs eDoc Submitter
Mailer Profile Tab Summary of Mailings for a month for eDoc and hardcopy Postage Statement Mailings Includes: Mail Service Provider indicator Total Volume Full-Service Volume Mail Classes Processing Categories eDoc Submission Type* October 2014 Mailing Company 2 Mailing Company 1 Total Volume: from eDoc and hard copy Postage Statements Mail Classes/ Processing Categories from eDoc and Postage Statements Full-Service Volume from eDoc and Postage Statements eDoc Submission Type * from eDoc only * Note that Mailers can submit an eDoc for mailings and not claim the Full-Service rate on all mailpieces. Mailer Profile
Postage Assessment: Full-Service Total Full-Service volume for previous calendar month used to evaluate if established thresholds met for electronic verifications – If thresholds met, no invoice generated – If thresholds exceeded, invoice is generated 10 days after month end Within 10 days of invoice generation – Mailer may be paid invoice in PostalOne! using any permit linked to their CRID – Mailer may request a review by USPS if they disagree with the invoice Postage Assessment reports will be available to external mailers in January Days 10 th 20 th End of month
VAE is responsible for reviewing and paying the request due at the end of the calendar month Mailers can submit payment or dispute charges through the review process Invoice reports will be generated for Full-Service mailers 10 days after the end of the month; Potential postage amounts can be viewed throughout the month on the Scorecard Invoice is sent to Verification Assessment Evaluator (VAE) designated in Business Customer Gateway Invoice Generation Invoice Receipt Mailer VAE Review & Action Mailer Payment or Dispute Charging for Invoices starts: Jan Information Only April Electronic Verification
ACS Issues Missing FS ACS Volume ALM 2294: when the 6th digit of the ZIPCode is a 0 all records in the message were not being provisioned to mailers All data was resent to mailers by 11/25 Missing new City in FS ACS ALM 2781: New City field missing from FS ACS records from 12/1-12/5. Code issue resolved 12/5, all data being resent to mailers by 12/14 13
eInduction Status 14 Activated 10/1/2013 at processing facilities that accept mailer shipments Drop-Shipment 55% of mail is entered directly at USPS plants Manual process to verify at origin DMU Non-SV Scanning Solution 15% of volume January 2015 Simplified solution for mailers Adoption 27% of containers Working with largest mailers who are not participating
Non-SV Solution Status Improving eInduction processes at sites without Surface Visibility USPS employees scan the IMcb and collect appointment data where applicable Reconcile scans with eDoc post-induction September – December 2014: Pilot scan-based process at non-SV processing facilities, hubs, and DDUs National deployment scheduled for January 8 mailers participating in the pilot shipping 677 containers a week Issue was identified with facility ZIP Code on the devices; facility ZIP Code did not reflect facility location There are 69 sites with scanner issues that lead to the ZIP code mismatch; update 10% complete
October 2014 eInduction 1. Volume Information: Provides the count of containers and % of volume that is participating in the eInduction program 2. eInduction Verifications: These verifications compare the eDoc against the scan information received when the container is accepted to confirm payment of the container, correct entry location, and that the container barcode is unique. 3. Volume Information: Provide additional volume information for the number of containers going to SV vs non-SV location; number of containers that were not released; number of containers that were accepted 1 2 3
Seamless Status mailers are on Seamless Acceptance and another 356 are on Seamless Parallel reviewing their reports and preparing to transition
Seamless Acceptance Results are from eDoc, Manual sampling, and Census verification over a calendar month for Seamless Acceptance or Seamless Parallel The tab is broken into 2 main sections and types of metrics, depending on how the data is obtained 17 From MPE Scans From Sampling
Report Validation USPS is validating the Microstrategy reports Confirm each issue that was fixed in the release is working in production Review key reports for across multiple mailing scenarios –Mailer Scorecard –Mail Owner Scorecard –Mail Quality Job Error Type Report –Mail Quality Detailed Error Report –Undocumented Summary Report 19
Click to edit Master title style Appendix Issues Full-Service Compliance Mailing Scenarios for Validation Intro to Full-Service Intro to eInduction Intro to Seamless Report Access Invoicing Details 20
November (Release 39) Full-Service Enhancements Correct 35 Mailer Scorecard – Electronic Verification tab issues –Specific eDoc prep scenarios where mailings are not verified for full-service electronic verification and where Mailer Scorecard does not reflect these mailings Mailings finalized more than 14 days before mailing date Mixed-Class Co-mail with Enclosures –Total piece count on the Mailer Profile does not include all pieces from eDoc and is lower than it should be –Invalid duplicate barcode errors logged when co-palletized containers includes mailpieces that were paid on multiple mailing dates –Invalid entry facility errors are logged when mail.dat orphan logical handling unit when no locale key is provided in the electronic documentation or physical container with a logical container sibling in a copalletized mailing –Missing MID and STID errors for Mail.XML mailings Update Move Update verification to remove temporary COA 21
Correct 6 Mailer Scorecard – eInduction issues –Associate container scans with the wrong container when a mailer uses a continuous MID and the IMcb was cancelled and re- submitted –Generate invalid post-induction error (zone or entry point discount) when multiple scans are received for the container –Incorrect change container status to non-eInduction when a mailing is deleted and re-submitted 22 November (Release 39) eInduction Enhancements
Automated postage assessment for Seamless Acceptance errors Correct 19 Mailer Scorecard – Seamless Acceptance issues –Specific eDoc prep scenarios where mailings are not verified for Seamless Acceptance, where Mailer Scorecard does not reflect these mailings, and may result in undocumented pieces –Specific eDoc prep scenarios where eDoc is unable to be uploaded to PostalOne! and a hard-copy statement is submitted as a work-around. This may cause undocumented pieces if mailpieces in the mailing had an IMb. –Invalid delivery point verification errors when mailpiece is paid at the single-piece rate –Invalid nesting/sortation errors when a logical handling unit is the child of a physical container or when eDoc handling unit destination ZIP Code does not match the ZIP Code on the tray label 23 November (Release 39) Seamless Enhancements
Correct 8 Mailer Scorecard – Electronic Verification issues –Specific eDoc prep scenarios where mailings are not verified for full- service electronic verification and where Mailer Scorecard does not reflect these mailings Mixed File Format Co-palletization Non-Virtual Sacks in bundle-base co-palletization Reversals when Container Type is different but keeps the same Container ID –Correct invalid duplicate barcode errors caused by reversal timing Reversal at the same time the replacement mailing is finalized Reversed and delete followed by re-upload –Missing errors for overflow sibling physical trays Exclude legal restraint mailers from automated Move Update January (Release 40) Full-Service Enhancements
Correct 4 Mailer Scorecard – eInduction issues –Correct postage assessment calculation for co-palletized pallets, pallets with surcharges, discounts, and extra services –Remove deleted containers from reports –Correct Entry Point Discount logic Add 2 reports to improve payment and induction status visibility –Both reports allow web-based access by 3 rd Parties to eInduction data –Quick Status Look-up –Errors by Transportation Carrier January (Release 40) eInduction Enhancements
Correct 11 Mailer Scorecard – Seamless Acceptance issues –Specific eDoc prep scenarios where mailings are not verified for Seamless Acceptance, where Mailer Scorecard does not reflect these mailings, and may result in undocumented pieces –Invalid DPV errors for APO/FPO delivery points –Invalid nesting/sortation errors when the IMb is not unique –Missing errors for overflow physical sibling trays –Correct errors caused by reversal timing Update verification logic –Improved calculation of postage due for pieces with postage affixed with weight errors detected during sampling –Updates to eDoc Nesting/Sortation verifications to improve minimum pallet length verifications and minimum pieces in a Handling Unit verifications –Update eDoc verifications to include overflow Handling Units and Cards –Enabling or disabling the verification of non-barcoded mailpieces through the Seamless admin page January(Release 40) Seamless Enhancements
27 Onboarding: Full-Service If you are not participating yet, consider the following when getting started with Full-Service… Talk to your MSP Consider using a Full-Service Certified MSP Talk to your software provider Consider using a Full-Service Software Vendor List of certified MSPs and full-service software vendors are available on RIBBS under Getting Started with Full-Service Intelligent Mail
Onboarding: Full-Service USPS Test Environments Three environments accessible from the BCG: 1.Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) For new mailers who have never tested before and do not have existing profiles Required for Full-Service mailers not using a certified vendor 2.Pre-Production Environment (Pre-Prod) For existing mailers ( who have typically already moved to Full-Service) who want to test upcoming functionality the month before a release 3.Production For uploading live files 28
What is eInduction? 29 Replace paper 8125/8017 with an scan-based process
What is eInduction? 30 REQUIREMENTS eInduction requires Intelligent Mail barcodes on containers, and requires electronic documentation of mailing information (eDoc). Mailers participating in Full-Service are ready to move to eInduction 30
Onboarding: eInduction 31
Scans and samples are compared to electronic documentation – Data collected over the entire calendar month will be used to evaluate quality – A problem with a single mailing won’t result in additional postage 32 Current: Quality determined based on a limited numbers of mailings and mailpieces, then extrapolated to all mailings Current: Quality determined based on a limited numbers of mailings and mailpieces, then extrapolated to all mailings Future: All mailings submitted in an entire calendar month are used to determine quality Future: All mailings submitted in an entire calendar month are used to determine quality What is Seamless Acceptance?
33 How Seamless Works 1.Mailer submits eDoc 2.Statements auto-finalize 3.Capture sampling data using handheld scanners 4.Capture data from Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) scanning 5.Compare data captured to eDoc 6.Detailed Mail Quality reporting
34 Seamless Overview Electronic Documentation Sampling Mail Processing Equipment Have all the pieces been paid for? Are the pieces addressed correctly? Is the mailing prepared correctly?
What is Seamless Acceptance? REQUIREMENTS Seamless Acceptance requires unique Intelligent Mail barcodes on all mailpieces, trays, and containers regardless of the rate they are paid. It also requires electronic documentation of mailing information (eDoc). 35
Onboarding: Seamless Parallel The path to Seamless Acceptance starts with on-boarding to Seamless Parallel Mailers preparing over 90% of eligible mail for full-service are candidates for Seamless. Contact your BMS Analyst to be moved to Parallel Submit eDoc for all automation mailings Ensure that eDoc includes piece level detail (.pdr,.pbc, MailPieceBlock) Work toward barcoding 100% pieces with unique IMb (Auto and Non-Auto) Review new eDoc warnings for Seamless Provide unique barcodes for all pieces, handling units and containers Submitting Seamless eligible Mail Classes (First Class, Standard, Periodicals, Bound Printed Matter) and Processing Categories (Letters, Cards, Flats) Meet Full Service co-palletization requirements (if applicable) 36
Once on Seamless Parallel you can work with USPS to understand your mail quality results and prepare for Seamless Acceptance Begin to review Seamless results on the Mailer Scorecard Evaluate your results against the “Mailer Contact” thresholds Work with USPS to identify the root causes on any issues Resolve any mail preparation issues identified in Parallel Demonstrate mail quality under thresholds for at least one calendar month Activate Seamless Acceptance Onboarding: Seamless Acceptance 37
Accessing the Mailer Scorecard and Reports Accessing the Mailer Scorecard
Access reports by eDoc Submitter or Mail Owner/Preparer by clicking on the bar at the top of the screen: Mailer Scorecard summarizes key metrics for Electronic Verification, Seamless and eInduction Job Error Type Report provides a summary of mail quality errors by error type and error code for a specific job The Detailed Error Report provides a list of detailed mail quality errors for a specific job. Accessing the Mailer Scorecard or Reports Accessing the Mailer Scorecard
Overview of the Mailer Scorecard There are four tabs on the Scorecard: Mailer Profile Electronic Verification eInduction Seamless Data can be displayed in Number metrics Number trending Percent metrics Percent trending Scorecard measures across Full-Service, eInduction and Seamless programs NOTE: Total Additional Postage will only display in number metrics view Mailer Scorecard
Dashboard view of mailing activity over a calendar month Each mailing added to previous mailings for current month, resulting in a cumulative percent - occurs within 48 hours of finalization Provides feedback on mail quality Tooltips appear when you hover over a column or row header to explain the metric October 2014