Professional Communication: The Corporate Insider’s Approach Chapter Fifteen Resumes: Realizing the Rhetoric of Personal Advocacy
15-2 Career-Long Resumes Land that critical first position Pursue promotions and climb the corporate ladder Participate in corporate proposals and marketing Respond to routine HR information requests
15-3 Resume Length Resume length should be determined by substance Length should be one to three pages Page length is based on convention and restraint
15-4 Resume Organization Open resume— designed for a profession or industry versus a specific job Targeted resume— designed to target a specific job vacancy
15-5 Resume Design Use basic design elements to get noticed: White space Headings Changes in type size and font Shading Positioning
15-6 Resume Ethics Language and explanations should be 100% precise and 100% accurate—a valid and truthful representation of who we are, what we’ve accomplished, and how that experience is relevant.
15-7 Creating Your Resume Develop a comparative analysis Respond to the opportunity Refine the message Define the design Double-check the product Draft the cover letter
15-8 Rationale for a Comparative Analysis Assesses your qualifications against those needed to do the job Gives you a clear appreciation of the field, discipline, or profession you are considering
15-9 Purpose of Resumes To make the assertion that you are the right person for the work, the job, or the position To establish the themes and messages you want to list as the proof of your primary assertion
15-10 Resume Preparation Form Field Expectations Job-Specific Expectations Personal Credentials Education Experience Attributes Intended Messages
15-11 Resume Quality Control Is the resume complete? Is the content accurate? Does the resume establish an identity? Does the resume “send” the right messages? Are the messages consistent?
15-12 Resume Quality Control Is the resume attractive? Is the resume consistent with conventions? Does it make you feel good about yourself? Have you checked the facts? Have you done a quality check?
15-13 Cover Letters Follow the same expectations as all business letters for format, organization, and a clear and consistent argument Stay anchored in the same sets of themes and messages presented in your resume
15-14 Resumes—the Lessons Analyze audience Define primary and secondary purposes Tailor information selection and design Communicate with style Develop an effective argument Integrate text and graphics Attend to pace