Tic-Tac-Toe Boards and Other Choice Boards
Spelling: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences) Learning Goals: Students will – Know: Spelling Patterns Understand: Spelling patterns can be used to spell unfamiliar words. Do: Generalize patterns by applying them to the correct spelling of new words.
Verbal/Linguistic Write a commercial advertising your spelling pattern. Convince others of its importance by giving many examples of how the pattern is used in words. Logical/Mathematical Create as many groups for your spelling words, based on patterns or relationships you can find in words. Visual/Spatial Create a web or mind map with the spelling pattern in the middle. Intrapersonal Create a log book and record the words you find that fit the pattern and where you found them. Free Choice Think of a way to demonstrate or remember words with the spelling pattern. Check your idea with your teacher first. Naturalist List as many words as your can find that relate to nature or the environment that fit the spelling pattern. Body/Kinesthetic Use a large piece of paper to write the letters in the spelling pattern in large letters. Use other pieces to make letters so new words can be formed by rearranging the letters. See how many words you can make in one minute. Challenge your friends. Musical Create a song or rap about the pattern and some of the words that can be created using the pattern. Interpersonal With a partner, create a game to remember and practice the spelling pattern. Write instructions so other classmates can play it. Spelling Patterns Tic-Tac-Toe
Vocabulary: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences) Learning Goals: Students will – Know: Weekly vocabulary words Understand: it is important to be interested in new words so that you will notice new words, use strategies to identify their meanings, and take pride in remembering and using them Do: Practice new vocabulary words in multiple ways
Vocabulary: Tic-Tac-Toe Board (Multiple Intelligences) Learning Goals: Students will – Know: Vocabulary words for this week’s guided reading selection and use strategies for figuring the meaning of an unknown word Understand: There are several strategies that can be used to decode an unknown word Do: Practice new vocabulary words for this week’s guided reading selection and to practice using strategies to decode unknown words
Alphabet Beads