RISK IN THE UK RISK IN THE UK ANYWHERE that is close to sea- level. ANYWHERE that is close to sea- level. There are 2 million homes that are at risk of coastal flooding, which works out at 10% of all homes in the UK. There are 2 million homes that are at risk of coastal flooding, which works out at 10% of all homes in the UK.
Like this village in Scotland…. © Simon Oakes
Or settlements on the south-coast of England. Estuaries like this one will become flooded as the water level rises. More water will push inland along river valley floors. Estuaries like this one will become flooded as the water level rises. More water will push inland along river valley floors. ©
The Natural Environment will be threatened. This sea-arch could become eroded and collapse if the sea level rises further. This sea-arch could become eroded and collapse if the sea level rises further. GOODBYE! © Simon Oakes
Elsewhere in Europe, Venice is under threat. © Simon Oakes
Global Problem of Flooding Whilst Flood Risk is a major concern for people in the UK, it is life-threatening for those living in certain developing regions. Whilst Flood Risk is a major concern for people in the UK, it is life-threatening for those living in certain developing regions.
Countries like Bangladesh… …have many people living in coastal regions who are less resilient to flooding (a school is shown). …have many people living in coastal regions who are less resilient to flooding (a school is shown). They cannot afford to defend themselves from the flood, nor to re-locate afterwards. They cannot afford to defend themselves from the flood, nor to re-locate afterwards. ©
The Maldive Islands are at risk All the people living in the Maldive Islands may soon have to be evacuated. All the people living in the Maldive Islands may soon have to be evacuated. As the water rises, the island shown is predicted to sink beneath the sea within 100 years. As the water rises, the island shown is predicted to sink beneath the sea within 100 years. ©