WHAT DO WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO BE? Confident. Competent readers, writers and mathematicians. Able to get on well with others – be able to show empathy.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT DO WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO BE? Confident. Competent readers, writers and mathematicians. Able to get on well with others – be able to show empathy. Honest, empathetic and trustworthy – effective members of society Be able to learn independently and love learning! Young adults with high aspirations for themselves. Responsible. IT competent – able to use new technologies which may not even have been invented yet Able to communicate effectively (high levels of oracy) Resilient and reflective.

NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS Pupils of compulsory school age in community and foundation schools, including special schools, and in voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools must follow the National Curriculum. Schools are free to choose how they organise their school day, as long as the content of the National Curriculum programmes of study is taught to all pupils. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programmes of study. The new National Curriculum identifies what to teach but not how to teach. The new National Curriculum does not have levels of attainment, but expectations at each banding. ‘Literacy’ title has been replaced by ‘English’. No PSHE or RE contained within the Curriculum 2014 (but still to be taught). A modern foreign language must be taught in KS2. Children will be expected to master basic grammar and accurate pronunciation and to converse, present, read and write in the language Act of daily worship expected.

CORE SUBJECTS English, Maths and Science are the building blocks of education – improving our performance in these subjects will be essential. LITERACY now ENGLISH  Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling ( use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1)  Handwriting is expected to be fluent, legible and speedy  Spoken English has a greater emphasis, with children to be taught debating and presenting skills

CORE SUBJECTS MATHS In Maths there will be greater rigour. There will be a greater emphasis on arithmetic, and the promotion of efficient written methods of long multiplication and division. There will also be more demanding content in fractions, decimals and percentages. Five year olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under old curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (previously up to 10) Simple fractions (1/2 and ¼) will be taught from KS1 and by the end of primary school, children should be able to convert decimal fractions to simple fractions (eg 0.375=3/8) By the age of nine, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12 x 12 (currently 10 x 10 by end of KS2) Calculators will not be introduced until near the end of KS2, to encourage mental arithmetic

CORE SUBJECTS SCIENCE In Science there is a stronger focus on the importance of scientific knowledge and language and a greater emphasis on the core scientific concepts underpinning pupils’ understanding. Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language, rather than understanding the nature and methods of science in abstract terms, more identifying and naming Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time Non-core subjects like caring for animals will be replaced by topics like the human circulatory system

CORE SUBJECTS ICT Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with a greater focus on programming rather than on operating programs From age five, children will learn to write and test simple programs, and to organise, store and retrieve data From seven, they will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet Internet safety – currently only taught from – will be taught in primary schools

HOW HAVE WE PREPARED? Maths and English scheme purchased – fully updated with the changes Improved provision for Computing. 32 laptops now available for use in the classroom. Training given to all teaching staff on new coding objective Teaching some subjects discretely,  Science  PE  Music  RE  Spanish  Computing Learning challenges delivered through topic used to deliver key skills and understanding in other subjects and links made to the subjects listed above where appropriate

LEARNING CHALLENGES APPROACH? Plan for the context of our school and our children Enquiry based learning Pre- learning Get the pitch right Small Question Clear learning outcomes With defined knowledge and skills Oracy Application of basic skills BIG Question Small Question Reflection Review and celebrate

Year 3: Has Greece always been in the news? Literacy Link: LC6 presents opportunities for children to find out information about one of the Greek Gods. LC8 provides opportunities for children to debate issues and to understand more about democracy. LC5 provides children with opportunities to research the main tourist attractions in Greece. Numeracy Link: Opportunities in LC1 for children to carry out surveys and to present information in data and statistical forms. Creative Art Link: The children should research how the Greeks made clay pots and use techniques such as coiling to make their own and decorate them accordingly.

KEY CONSIDERATIONS LEARNING CHALLENGE Hook - WOW Meeting NC requirements Oracy Interest Locality Continuity Reflection Progression

PARENTS All parents received a leaflet detailing ‘Non- negotiables’ for Reading, Writing and Maths. This shows the age related expectations. Information on website What would be useful to know?