HOW IT WORKS MatchMaking IT will create MatchMakings and designate MatchMaking MatchMakers (groups and/or individuals) for each MatchMaking. MatchMaking MatchMaker (owner) MatchMaking MatchMaker (owner) MatchMaking MatchMaker (owner) MatchMaking Folders and Files Editors Viewers (Visitors) Viewers (aka Visitors) can be added by anyone with MatchMaker or editor access to the MatchMaking MatchMakers can create folders, add content and give editor rights to others Note: IT cannot prevent editors, viewers from being assigned but can remove rights after the fact. The does not contain alerting or workflow to monitor or control at this level TARSTARS
● MatchMaking ○ Assigned by IT at ○ Areas where a user can add content in (these people are known as MatchMakers) ○ A content MatchMaker or group may have access to one or more MatchMakings ○ If a user has no MatchMakings within, they can be invited as a visitor or editor to specific files/folders by a “MatchMaker” of an existing MatchMaking. ● MatchMaker ○ Assigned owner of a MatchMaking: can create and edit content (e.g. folders, add/edit/delete files) ○ Can assign rights to individual files/folders for other users ○ Can invite visitors (view rights only) ● Visitor ○ A user granted rights to view a file/folder by an existing MatchMaker DEFINITIONS (AS THEY WILL BE USED AT ) From a user’s perspective
● What to use TARS for ○ If a MatchMaking has been setup and defined in advance, we can use TARS for authorizing who has “MatchMaker” rights to a MatchMaking ● What we can’t use TARS for ○ Impractical to use for the creation of MatchMakings ○ Who has “edit” access to MatchMakings ■ Not practical: MatchMakers can designate additional editors of specific files/folders. Even if we used TARS for this process, it can be circumvented by MatchMakers. ○ Who has “view” access to MatchMakings ■ MatchMakers and editors within a MatchMaking can give anyone “view” access; this cannot be pre- designated/controlled ○ What content is added to a specific MatchMaking ● Bottom line - there needs to be a lot of “trust” of who is designated as a “MatchMaker” to a MatchMaking TARS Understanding Limitations