1 Calorimeter LED & LV - HV control systems LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Outline Status of the calorimeters LV & MV power supplies and ECS control Status of the ECAL/HCAL HV power supply system and ECS control Status of the PS/SPD HV power supply system and ECS control Status of the XCAL LED monitoring system Conclusion & Planning
2 Calorimeters LED & LV - HV control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Status of the calorimeters LV & MV power supply and ECS control There are three PVSS projects to manage the LV and MV of the CALO sub-detectors. Rack Control is the DAI partition project (common for LHCb experiment) for FE crates PS control. CADCSLV is the DCS partition project for the Wiener LV power supplies dedicated for powering the CALO sub-detectors HV, VFE and LED intensity systems. CADCSMV is the DCS partition project for the Agilent MV (30 – 150 V) power supplies dedicated for CALO sub-detectors HV system. The shortcuts of these projects: CADCSLV_UI_DEN CADCSMV_UI_FSM INFDAI_UI_DEN are located in folder g:/calo/pvss. Back view of the ECAL/PRS Wiener LV power supply dedicated for HV and LED intensity control 4 (without VFE LV) used & Spares: 1 Wiener LV power crate (6 channels).
3 Calorimeters LED & LV - HV control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Status of the calorimeters LV & MV power supply and ECS control Four Agilent PS's are used for producing middle voltages for calorimeter sub-detectors. a) ECAL four units PS (100V, 30V,100V, 30V for A and C sides); b) HCAL four units PS (100V, 30V,100V, 30V for A and C sides); c) PS/SPD one unit PS (150V for side A); d) PS/SPD one unit PS (150V for side C); 4 used & Spares: 2 power mainframes N6701A; V N6776 power unit; 3 30 V N6734B power units.
4 Calorimeters LED & HV control Status of the calorimeter Agilent power supplies ECS control The PVSS software for control and monitor these devices was developed. The soft is installed on the CADCSC01W PC and the project name is CADCSMV. Agilent DIM server was written and four Agilent DIM servers are running on this PC. Control PVSS software is based on JCOB fwWiener and LHCb online group lbLV components. Each power supply has one LAN connection to ECS. The shortcut of the project is located in folder g:/calo/pvss. Thanks a lot to Clara for guidance and help! LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
5 Calorimeters LED & HV control All ECAL/HCAL HV_LED_DAC boards were installed on the sub-detectors and they are used for commissioning. Status of the ECAL/HCAL HV system and ECS control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ HCAL on detector patch panel with two HV_LED_DAC boards for HV & LED systems control 42 used & Spares: 5 HV_LED_DAC control boards ( 3 without mezzanines).
6 Calorimeters LED & HV control The preproduction version of the HV and LED intensity control ECS software is used now for a global detector commissioning. The version features are: Integrated into FSM tree with load data from recipes. There are three possibility to update the recipe: from file, from CALO DB and from expert panels. Improved an expert panel graphics. Optimization of the time performance is needed. E.g. Hardware subscription takes ~ 30 min for ECAL project now. Status of the ECAL/HCAL HV ECS control Screen short of the updated HV control panels. LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
7 Calorimeters LED & HV control Status of the PS/SPD HV power supply and ECS control The PS/SPD HV system has been produced and delivered at CERN. 100 % of the electronics were tested, passed the QC and installed into the racks. The preproduction ECS software is developed and used for detectors commissioning. PS/SPD HV crate. LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ 22 used & Spares: 3 HV converter boards; 1 HV_LED control board (without mezzanines).
8 Calorimeters LED & HV control Status of the PS/SPD HV power supply and ECS control PVSS expert control panels for PS/SPD HV and LED intensity control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
9 Calorimeters LED & HV control Status of the LEDTSB boards and ECS control 15 LEDTSB boards have been produced and 12 boards installed into the FE crates. The firmware of all LEDTSB boards has been updated to the latest version 8.0. LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ 12 used & Spares: 3 LEDTSB boards (2 without mezzanines). ECAL FE crate with two LEDTSB boards cabled to the detector
10 Calorimeters LED control LEDTSB board configuration and control panels. Status of the LEDTSB boards and ECS control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ A PVSS LEDTSB tutorial for manage the LED system during the commissioning runs has been prepared and reachable from LHCb TWiki page: The PVSS software for LEDTSB boards has been developed. It is integrated in FSM tree of the DAQ partition and used in a global LHCb test.
11 Calorimeters LED & HV control Conclusion & Planning Preproduction versions of the PVSS software tools for HV and LED intensity control have been developed. The HV and LED systems are used for the global commissioning tests of the FE, DAQ and L0 electronics. The PVSS software tools for LV & MV power supplies control have been developed. For the FE crates power supplies the Online group Rack control soft are used. The PVSS software for LEDTSB boards has been developed. It is integrated in FSM tree of the DAQ partition and used in a global LHCb test. Planning Optimization of the time performance of the HV control projects is needed and will be done. Development of the procedure of the relative time alignment with normal DAQ will be implemented. LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/