Mansoor Iqbal Ansa Gul Maryam Malhi
Ihsan U. Malhi Advance Auto Service 6370 Antoine Dr. Houston, Texas 77091
Advance Auto Service is an independent setup providing most of the auto services in the neighborhood. It includes the services: ◦ Fuel Injection ◦ Tune up ◦ Transmission Service ◦ Cooling System ◦ Oil Change ◦ Clutch Replacement ◦ Shock & Struts ◦ Front Ends ◦ Brake Job ◦ A/C Service ◦ C/V Axles ◦ Balance & Rotation ◦ Tire Fixed & Sales ◦ Computer Diagnostics
The business requires a system which would include: A database program that will provide its existing customers’ information and allow to create files for new ones. A program that will provide the cost estimates for the services required. A system that will allow to estimate work time, and locate the specific part of the car.
Inputs ◦ Last name ◦ First Name ◦ Address, City, State, Zip ◦ Phone Number For existing customers, use only phone number ◦ Address (optional) Output ◦ Existing Customer’s Profile ◦ Save new customer’s information
Inputs ◦ Car Make ◦ Model ◦ Year ◦ Type ◦ Service required Outputs ◦ Total amount with taxes
Inputs ◦ Car Make ◦ Model ◦ Year ◦ Type ◦ Service required ◦ Specific parts’ name Outputs ◦ Estimated work time ◦ Location of parts (with image)
The following benefits are expected from the new system’s implementations. ◦ Increased customers’ loyalty ◦ Increased revenues ◦ Faster service provided
Systems are complex and difficult. They are time-consuming to design. System must cost less than $5,000.
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