INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Rio+20 An ITUC assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Rio+20 An ITUC assessment

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The conference Rio+20 = UN Conference on Sustainable Development 20 years after Rio Summit on Environment and Development (1992) Context: Fall Berlin wall, emergence of environmental movement Outcomes: Agenda 21, climate, desertification and biodiv conventions 10 years after World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) Context: “small state”, public-private partnerships Outcomes: JPOI

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Rio+20 Guided by UN General Assembly decision in One objective, two themes: - Assess progress and gaps in the implementation of previous summits, and Address new and emerging challenges - Discuss the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication - Discuss the institutional framework for sustainable development.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy A policy platform guided by willingness to mobilise workers on sustainability Main asks An ambitious declaration + concrete commitments by governments And trade unions? In the declarationConcrete commitments Principles of the Green EconomyPledges on Green(er) and DJ Environmental and socially sound fiscal policyFinancial Transactions Tax Key role of Social protection in reducing vulnerability Support for Social Protection floor Sustainable Development Goals Half of the workers of the world have decent jobs by 2020 All governments have, as a minimum, a Social Protection Floor in place by 2020 Principle 10 (access to information, training and access to enviro justice) Workplace link Food Energy

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Our wish: to hold a 2 nd trade union assembly on labour and environment right before the Summit, to identify what are going to be our commitments in the way forward. A time for showing a global movement with clear alternatives… A time for strengthening our links with other movements A time for mobilising

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The official outcome & reasons to it (I) In 2011, scope and ambition unclear. Economic crisis in d’ed countries, slow down in dev’ing. Copenhagen “hang over” No expectation that it could be as productive as 1992 BUT It was possible to have wins on critical issues for us which could find new momentum around Rio+20 campaigning.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Two conditions for success: that governments will go to Rio willing to commit to new actions, and that we would manage to work with other groups in civil society to come up with a concise, concrete aggregation of demands so that it would become clear that there were high expectations about the Summit. None of these two materialised, and therefore the likelihood of obtaining the most ambitious elements of our platform decreased. The official outcome & reasons to it (II)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Future will show if processes launched deliver. Today, evaluate outcome on its concreteness, ambition and process - We asked for concrete decisions on decent and green jobs, social protection and the financial transactions tax => rhetorical content. No decision to operationalise concepts - On ambition, ages away from 1992, in particular on the environment. Progressive thinking abandoned to ‘growth first, then work on social progress, and when achieved, think about the environment’ Voluntary and individual actions won over regulatory, collective ones. - On process, outcome based on negotiated text, but leaders didn’t open it. The official outcome & reasons to it (III)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The official outcome & reasons to it (IV)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The official outcome & reasons to it (V)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The official outcome & reasons to it (VI)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The official outcome & reasons to it (VII)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The time for our mobilisation: the Assembly 450 delegates, 56 countries - an urgent call for action for sustainability and decent work. Organised by SL/ITUC How to transform in a fundamental way, the current profit- based model of production and consumption, and how to combine: social and environmental change, N-S workers’ interest through international trade unionism Proposals for inclusive development models for workers, that also include society as a whole. Assembly outlined concrete points and guided union inputs to the People’s Summit and official Summit Trade unions more ambitious on enviro than ever, demanding radical change in the economic system so that public control and collective benefits prevail.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The time for our mobilisation: the Assembly II key issues: guaranteeing Social Protection within Enviro Limits, Financing SD, green & decent jobs, -Communities' and workers' rights, Building alliances for change The Assembly was also organized around Five working groups: Sustainable access to resources, Green Jobs & Just Transition, Climate Change and energy, Chemicals and OSH and collective bargaining => Assembly resolution: available in the Assembly dedicated website: ?lang=EN

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The Peoples’ Summit The Peoples’ Summit met in parallel to the official summit and aimed at negotiating a declaration from social movements present in Rio. The Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) lead the international trade union delegation in this space. The final resolution of the Peoples’ Summit contains many elements brought by the labour movement and is available here: declaration-of-the-peoples-summit-at-rio20/ declaration-of-the-peoples-summit-at-rio20/ First time our activities were not in competition but WITHIN social movements’ debates.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The way forward Some issues at the core of union work ( DW, Social Protection) On more concrete initiatives launched in Rio+20: Sustainable Development Goals: post-2015 agenda. ITUC General Council to discuss strategy, which should include further work in support of a Decent Work goal as well as a Social Protection goal, with several targets for each issue (inc green jobs) Sustainable Development High Level Dialogue: UN Gen Assembly to define modalities. Work for democratic modes of engagement.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy The way forward Other issues not reflected in the Rio outcome but still part of ITUC priorities -The need for promoting decent and green jobs – including national targets & organising emerging sectors- - The need for coherence between our climate change international policies and domestic trade union positioning on this issue, -the call for a standard at the ILO which will commit WoW to fighting environmental degradation and will establish roles and responsibilities of constituents in the transition towards sustainability, -After discussions on the ITUC programme of work in the upcoming General Council, consultations with interested affiliates and Global Union Federations on these activities will be undertaken.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) – ILO ACTRAV Training on Sustainable Development – September 2012 – Turin, Italy Thank You!/ Gracias!/ Merci!