2 T&S Breakout Schedule 3:30 - 4:30 (Session A) – 4.1 T&S Management (45 min) – 4.12 Utilities (15 min) 8:00 – 10:30 (Session B) – 4.3 Summit Facility (45 min) – 4.5 TMA (45 min) – 4.4 Dome (30 min) – 4.13 Base Facility (30 min) 10:45 – 12:00 (Session C) – 4.2 T&S SE (15 min) – 4.6 M1M3 (30 min) – 4.6 M2 (30 min) 1:00 – 4:00 (Session D) – 4.9 Coating Plant (30 min) – 4.5 Hexapod/Rotator (30 min) – 4.8 Calibration (25 min) – 4.10 OCS (30 min) – 4.11 TCS (30 min) – 4.14 Integration (45 min) – Open
3 OCS hierarchical control for data acquisition OCS Scheduler Telemetry History Control Targets Image Parameters OCS Communications Middleware Telescope Control System Telescope Control System Data Management Visits Camera Control System Camera Control System Cmds OCS Application OCS Sequencer OCS Operator OCS Remote OCS Monitor OCS EFD
4 OCS customers Communications Middleware (Service Abstraction Layer) – Camera SLAC: SAL Java – Data Management NCSA: SAL C++ Python – Telescope Tekniker (TMA): SAL C++ LabVIEW MOOG (hexapods/rotator): SAL C++ LabVIEW Harris (M2): SAL C++ LabVIEW EIE (dome): SAL C++ LabVIEW – Systems Engineering Simulations (SOCS): SAL Python Scheduler – Systems Engineering Simulations
5 OCS deliverables OCS Controls – Application, Sequencer, Operator – Remote, Monitor OCS Communications – Communications Middleware (Service Abstraction Layer) – Middleware delivered to sub-assemblies – Contractor access to github code repositories – Engineering & Facility Database (EFD) OCS Scheduler – In OCS to conduct the LSST Survey – In Operations Simulator to simulate, evaluate and adjust the Survey
6 OCS Requirements flow down Science Requirements Document LPM-17 Science Requirements Document LPM-17 Scheduler Requirements LTS-347 Scheduler Requirements LTS-347 Observatory System Specifications LSE-30 Observatory System Specifications LSE-30 LSST System Requirements LSE-29 LSST System Requirements LSE-29 OpSim Requirements LSE-189 OpSim Requirements LSE-189 Observatory Control System Requirements LSE-62 Observatory Control System Requirements LSE-62 Science Book Metrics Requirements DOC Metrics Requirements DOC Science Collaborations
7 OCS Scheduler Teams and Deliverables Telescope & Site Systems Engineering Simulation Systems Engineering Simulation Code Framework Science Collaborations Algorithms Implementation Survey Parameters Simulation Framework Analysis Tools Science Analysis Performance Analysis
8 OCS Controls & Scheduler accomplishments Plan coordinated with SE Simulations Integration and Test for each release JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-92Application Release v April TSSPP-93Sequencer Release v April JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-1Scheduler Release v July DDS-SAL-Python interface TSSPP-2Scheduler Release v December Scripted Targets TSSPP-25Scheduler Release v May Area Distribution Proposals
9 JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-62Middleware 64bit updates2015 November TSSPP-7Middleware SAL Release v32016 May TSSPP-9EFD development for SAL v32016 June OCS Communications accomplishments HW acquired for EFD prototype under testing Integration Workshops with TCS, Camera and DM Training and SDK support for vendors
C.10 T&S Cost Summary WBS Lvl 4 Cost and Schedule Variance is due to SW Developer not having the training to implement software request. Corrective action: Additional resources acquired and training implemented by senior SW engineer.
11 EVM Status
12 Software Engineering Tools Model Based Systems Engineering SysML modeling with Enterprise Architect PMCS with Primavera Coordination and progress with JIRA Documentation in Docushare Interface controlled in OCS SAL with XML Version control with Git, Stash Continuous Integration with Jenkins Coding standards from Telescope group, SE Simulations group, and LSST standards Configuration Control Board for Documentation and Plans
13 Development Process Agile methodology Development plan with activities and milestones in PMCS JIRA high level project with long term meta-epics (TSSPP) JIRA detailed epics and tasks to organize monthly sprints (TSS) Progress reported from JIRA TSS into PMCS for Earn Value management Changes in plan through Change Control process
14 OCS Scheduler Scientific Validation Simulated surveys analyzed by SE and Science Collaborations Parameters exploration and scientific validation Baseline Survey parameters under configuration control OpSim (Operations Simulator) OCS Scheduler SOCS (Simulated OCS) SOCS (Simulated OCS) MAF (Metrics Analysis Framework) MAF (Metrics Analysis Framework) Observations Database
15 Simulated Survey Analysis with OpSim and MAF
16 OCS Scheduler System Integration V0.1 V0.2 V0.3 V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5 V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 OCS Scheduler Available OCS-TCS-CCS-DMCS integrated start/end night tests ComCam First Light System First Light 8m 12m
17 OCS Controls build plan Detail plan for Remote and Monitor in process JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-94Operator Release v September TSSPP-59Application Release v November TSSPP-16Sequencer Release v November TSSPP-95Application Release v March TSSPP-96Sequencer Release v March TSSPP-97Application Release v July TSSPP-98Operator Release v July TSSPP-99Application Release v November TSSPP-100Operator Release v September TSSPP-101Application Release v April
18 JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-63EFD Prototype2016 September TSSPP-61Telemetry Interfaces and Simulations2017 September TSSPP-64Middleware SAL Release v42017 March OCS Communications build plan Workshops with LSST subsystems for early integration
19 OCS Scheduler build plan Plan coordinated with SE Simulations Integration and Test for each release JIRAActivityRelease Date TSSPP-26Scheduler Release v November Time Distribution Proposals TSSPP-28Scheduler Release v April Look Ahead Area Distribution TSSPP-29Scheduler Release v August Look Ahead Time Distribution TSSPP-34Scheduler Release v December Performance TSSPP-30Scheduler Release v June Warm Start TSSPP-31Scheduler Release v November Dithering TSSPP-33Scheduler Release v April Predicted Schedule TSSPP-32Scheduler Release v July Weather Forecast TSSPP-35Scheduler Release v December Community Optimizations
20 System Level ICDs LSE-70OCS Communications Protocol LSE-71OCS Camera Control System LSE-72OCS Data Management LSE-73OCS Telescope Control System LSE-74OCS Middleware Communications LSE-209OCS Software Component
21 OCS Staffing 4 software engineers currently in OCS team Additional position for OCS Controls posted New position for Telescope & Site Scheduler scientist
22 End of presentation Thank you