aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) Change Management Human Resources
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent ScenarioPost ERP Scenario General Salary Code and Registration No. Executives carry Salary Code and Employees carry Registration No. Salary Code and Registration No. will be renamed as OIL ID which will be a common serial no for both executives and unionised employees. The existing nos. will be retained. Promotion of unionised employee to SR / Grade A Employees promoted to SR Grade A get a salary code in place of registration number The registration no. of the employee will continue as OIL ID Attendance Overtime RecordingTotal overtime hours per employee per day is provided as input The start and end time of overtime hours per employee per day is to be recorded in the system (System calculates the SOT, DOT, HOT) Time Sheet for employees Employee wise day wise attendance is tracked in hard copy. The same is converted to soft form and sent to payroll section Only absences / deviations to be recorded in SAP system as and when required. No need to send time sheets to payroll section
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent ScenarioPost ERP Scenario Leave PL maintenance Application for PL availed by employees are sent to Admin / IR department for record & leave payment. Two sets of records are maintained, one at department and the other at Admin / IR. This system will be discontinued; instead, records will be maintained by respective departments in the system after approval by HODs and the same will be available for viewing by Admin/ IR. New PL application form will be introduced. Sick Leave / Sick Pay Leave maintenance Hard copy communication sent by Medical to IR and concerned department Hard copy communication from Medical will be discontinued. Information entered by Medical will be available for viewing by IR / Department users
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent ScenarioPost ERP Scenario Personnel Administration Issuing confirmation letter for Unionised employees IR Department intimates the department for appraisal and advises the department for issuance of confirmation letter (draft letter forwarded by IR). System will provide alerts for appraisal at pre- specified time line. On receipt of appraisal from the department, IR/ Admin department will issue the confirmation letter generated from the system to the employee through HODs. Growth Oriented Promotion for Unionised employees Departments initiate the process and forward the details to IR/ Admin. Checking is done in IR/ Admin and the departments are intimated to issue the GOP letters and copies & Transfer advises are sent to IR/ Admin System will provide alerts on completion of time span. All checking will be done by the system and IR / Admin department will issue the GOP letters generated from the system to the employee through HODs. Release on TransferManually recorded by the releasing department To be recorded in SAP system by the releasing department. Joining on TransferManually recorded by the HOD of the receiving department To be recorded in SAP system by the receiving department
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent ScenarioPost ERP Scenario Payroll Updation of quarterly DA % change Respective payroll administrators are carrying out the DA % change in the respective payroll systems To be initiated by FI and change to be carried out by Core Team in SAP system Maintenance of employee master, pay master for employees Maintained by the respective payroll administrators for the respective payroll systems Discontinuation separate employee / pay master for payroll purposes. Employee master maintained by HR will be used by payroll Increments processing Done by payroll administrators based on hard copy input from HR Will be done by IR / Personnel / Admin Leave EncashmentApproval by HR and payment through payroll / personal account Approval by Department and payment through payroll
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent ScenarioPost ERP Scenario Payroll run for executivesCentralised in DuliajanWill be decentralised to the respective locations Payroll run for employees and executives Payroll run is separate for employees and executives Payroll run is going to be common for employees and executives Investment DeclarationsDeclaration provided by employees in March of a financial year Proposed Investment declaration to be provided during the start of Financial Year (say April - May). Actual investment (with proof) to be submitted in January - Feb of Financial Year Income Tax RefundTax is deducted monthly in a estimated uniform rate. Adjustment if any, is done in the month of March of a financial year based on actual as declared. Employees will need to plan and declare their investments in advance. Income tax will be deducted monthly based on the declaration. Pay Slip will carry a Form 16 summary on a monthly basis informing the tax commitment for the year and the remaining tax liability. Adjustment if any will be done on month to month basis as required.
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) HR – Key Process Changes AspectPresent Scenario Post ERP Scenario Payment of Shift Allowance Input on no. of M / II and N shifts done is provided by departments to payroll section System will auto compute shift allowance based on shift plan maintained for employees Children Education Allowance / Child Merit Scholarship Data collected by departments and sent to IR / Admin for approval. The approved data is sent to payroll section Input to be directly recorded in SAP system by departments. The hardcopy supporting documents to be sent to Admin / IR. The same will be approved in the system by Admin/IR. Personal Account Payments to employees are paid through Finance and credited to employee personal account Payments to employees will be made through off cycle or regular payroll and credited to employee’s bank account
SAP AG 2003, - (SAP India) Oil India Ltd. aarohan ( ERP project, Oil India Limited ) Thank you