EDTC System
Key code: WKNA
Select the Paid Time Off icon from the main menu.
Enter the EDTC system here.
Log in using your Payroll ID and password entered in the mmddyyyy format.
Under the “Time Management” heading are the icons that will allow you to report and review your own exceptions as well as PTO and OPT balances. You will access the time sheets by selecting the “Time Sheet Entry” icon.
The OFFSITE time category maintains records of time worked away from the worksite, but its use is not required. Full-time employees are eligible for all time benefits, and this sheet has been designed to prohibit accidental entry of overtime hours for ineligible employees. Available PTO (paid time off) and OPT (optional or floating holidays) balances are conveniently located at the bottom of the screen.
Enter exception hours under the corresponding day of the week. Before reporting make sure that you have the correct week ending date has been pre-selected. Click the “save hours” icon to record the hours. If wish to clear your entries before saving select the “start over” icon.
After saving the hours, the date and time of the last update will appear above your time sheet. At this point you may logout or return to the main menu. Click on the “Return” icon to return to the main menu.
The “Time off Summary” icon allow you to view your PTO and OPT balances as of the last week ending date.
Your PTO and OPT balances will be displayed by beginning, taken and available balances.
To look at your time for previous pay weeks select the "Time Sheet Summary" option from the Personal Menu.
You will now see all time records entered by or for you with the most recent record on top. To look at the actual timesheet, click the spyglass to open a timesheet window.
The print format feature facilitates the printing of an individual time sheet.
Occasionally you will need to correct a pay week that has already past. Either the you or manager/timekeeper can begin the process. Open the Personal Menu in EDTC and scroll down to the "Correction Requests" section. Click "File a Request".
Select the week ending date that needs correction. Enter the correction needed in the text box. Click "Submit This Request".
You'll be returned to the Personal Menu screen and will see a confirmation message at the top of the screen You will also notice that the second box in the Correction Requests section is no longer grayed out, and now reads "Review Requests, No Determination Available".
When payroll reviews the request and responds, you will see another message "Latest Determination" plus the date that Torrance Payroll responded to the request. The determination will be displayed below your request when processed. Return to the main menu and log out.
Questions? Please contact Marcos La Porte at