TIME SHEET PROTOCOL Shellie Wiltsey, Director of Business/Finance
Why???? 1. US Department of Wage of Labor Audit findings 2. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) revision in overtime regulations (December 2016)
Who??? ALL Classified Employees: Secretary/Clerks Custodians/Maintenance Paraprofessionals/Aides/Translators Food Service Nurses/Therapists/Behavior Interventionists/Psychologists Analyst/Specialists Energy Education Parent Educators Child Care Workers Printer Technology Police Officers Family School Liaison/Transition Case Managers Classified Coordinator/Facilitators
What??? (Time Sheet Pg. 1)
What??? (Time Sheet Pg. 2)
When??? The Time Sheets will begin on: May 30, Complete for Sunday-Saturday each week 2.Turn in completed sheets with payroll
Where??? 1. The Time Sheet can be found on the website: Staff E-Forms Business Office 2. Payroll Department
How??? 1.Complete all information on Page 1. Payroll Period = Dates covered on timesheet, i.e., (Sun, 5/29/16 thru Sat, 6/4/16) 2. Timing in and out: In = Time In for start of day (when work begins) Lunch Out = Time leaving for lunch Lunch In = Time returning from lunch Out = Time Out for the end of your work day Actual Times are to be used – (7:30 to 11:30, 12:00 to 3:30) = Incorrect (7:25 to 11:35, 12:02 to 3:33) = Correct (Time is figured on 15 minute pay increments) 3. All Overtime and Comp Time need PRIOR approval Overtime Approval – Deputy Superintendent or Executive Director of Operations Comp Time Approval – Your Supervisor
How??? Cont… 4.Comp Time must be used within the same pay period 5. Vacation and Leave are subtracted from your total hours to calculate Comp Time and Overtime 6.40 working Hours per work week are needed before Comp Time and Overtime are given at time and a half 7.Employee Signature and Supervisor Signature required 8.If Comp Time or Overtime are approved, the reason must be on Page 2 of the Timesheet
How??? Cont… 9.Employees and Supervisors will be held responsible for hours worked over scheduled hours without prior approval… Examples of Unapproved Comp or Overtime: Coming in early to get prepared for the day Working through lunch or a working lunch Staying late, i.e., bus duty, supervising students Working on weekends Volunteering for events, i.e., gates, concessions, etc… 10.Unauthorized comp and overtime must be documented on the timesheet and addressed by the supervisor. Continual non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action for employee and/or supervisor up to and including termination.