Supporting Student Mobility is impossible if we don't recognize our students Mattias Holmlund ITS, Umeå Universitet NORDUnet 20–21 september 2016
Who am I ? Mattias Holmlund 10 years as operation manager for Swedish SIS - Ladok 5 years as project managing various national projects, for now in 2 EU projects EMREX and EWP But foremost … no expert on affiliations, federations and identity management whatsoever…
This presentation will… Define student mobility Introduce two ongoing EU projects Show two major problems within student mobility try to get you to collaborate on getting it clarified and fixed
First - Student mobility? University of Glasgow - Definition of Student Mobility
Ongoing projects Emrex EMREX is the solution for electronic transfer of student records between higher education institutions, HEIs in Europe. Erasmus Without Paper - EWP The EWP-project aims to create a network supporting electronic exchange of exchange student data and documents by interlinking HEI’s and their SIS For more information and project partners see: and
2 major problems National personal identifier. Expiry of student account.
Status on accounts in the nordic countries! Sweden From 10 weeks to 7 years. Many converted to Alumni accounts Finland Mainly related to study rights in HAKA, ends 31/7 or 31/12 after last semester Norway In some cases the same day as the exam, up to 6 month Denmark
Authentication versus authorization - When are students students? Expired and closed student accounts - Both a national as a mobility problem.
National personal identifiers. Foreign students gets an interim or temporary identifier connected to the achieved results. Works for manual administration but not for interlinked systems What is your status on eID and EIDAS implementation?
Solution and how to collaborate? We all need each others help on collaboration and progression Collaboration within NORDUnet?