Acharya Samachar The quarterly publication: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer Department of Journalism and Mass Communications Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies (AIGS), Acharya Institutes, Bengaluru – For Advertising please contact: Darshan Devaiah B.P Advertisements & Circulation Executive, Acharya Samachar Mob: E-Paper: Facebook: OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE
Acharya Samachar is a magazine brought out once in four months by the students, and faculty Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Acharya Institutes, Bengaluru. It is a journal that enables the students to practice news gathering process, feature writing, generating ideas, understanding the importance of editing (grammar, syntax, punctuation), page design and layout, selecting stories (gate- keeping), advertising and marketing, online and offline; to short-listing news items, features, and columns; copyediting and proofing and taking it to the final stage: printed and disseminated: offline and online. ABOUT US: Acharya Samachar QUARTERLY MAGAZINE
- Proof to a student’s ability in *Reporting, *Page layout & Design, *Marketing & Advertising. - To understand and executive the publishing of the magazine from start to finish: online and offline. Objective
- Events in the campus - Important festivals/events during the period - covering issues in the panchayat,Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and the world (Autumn, Winter, Spring and summer) - Editorial on the topical issue - News of Achievers in sports and other fields - Short articles by students - Book/Movie Review of the new releases - Photo-news of various events - Covering key national and international news events - Interviews with newsmakers, doyens in respective fields Areas, Content of the Magazine
Acharya Samachar is a quarterly publication: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. It is priced at Rs 20/-. It is retailed, and also sold on subscriptions. Frequency & Price
- The magazine will have 20 to 30 pages. - With 100 % in colour HOW MANY PAGES
The quarterly magazine will have 6 to 9 pages (30%) of advertisements, and classifieds. Including front, front inside cover, back inside cover; back cover Advertisements
Back cover (last page) 7000/- Front page’s back cover (inside)- 5000/- Inside back cover /- Inside full page /- Inside half-page /- Classifieds - 300/- (25words/5lines) Tariff of Ads
Online: The PDF format or e-magazine of magazine will be shared with the students of Acharya Institutes on social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, and on other websites. (THE REACH IS STUDENT COMMUNITY) Offline: The magazine will be distributed among all the students of the Acharya Institutes among the faculty of the department and across the campuses, to be shared with others in the educational institutions. TARGET AUDIENCE
Number of copies to be printed: 2000Copies Content: 100% in colour. PRINTING
For Advertising please contact: Darshan Devaiah B.P Advertisements & Circulation Executive, Acharya Samachar Mob: E-Paper: Facebook: