This material was prepared by TMF Health Quality Institute under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Any statements expressed by the individual and resources cited in this publication are not an opinion of, nor endorsement by, TMF or CMS. Overcoming Unique Challenges for Small Practices Christin Sutter, HealthTeamWorks Kelley Glancey, Byers Peak Family Medicine Charles Gerk, Northeast Colorado Family Medicine
Shared Purpose Identify a network of similar practices that may be contacted in the future as they find success and challenges in this transformation work. Describe one new approach to handle unique challenges faced in a small clinic. Apply new care management strategies into your small practice.
Small Practice Data Christin Sutter, HealthTeamWorks Disclosure Statement: I don’t have any financial relationship with or interest in any commercial entity that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of this presentation. This includes serving on a speakers’ bureau or advisory board, as well as receiving honoraria from a medical education company for CME presentations.
Small Practice Success Colorado: Q13 Ten lowest expenditure practices 2016 Regional Synthesis Report
Percentage of Staff Time Spent on Care Management: Small Practices 2016 Regional Synthesis Report
Kelley Glancey, MD Byers Peak Family Medicine Charles Gerk, MD Northeast Colorado Family Medicine Panelists Disclosure Statement: I don’t have any financial relationship with or interest in any commercial entity that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of this presentation. This includes serving on a speakers’ bureau or advisory board, as well as receiving honoraria from a medical education company for CME presentations.
Introductions Please describe your practice. Where are you located? How many providers and staff? General description of the patients that you work with
What challenges have you faced in your practice transformation work that you feel are unique to small practices? Have you been able to overcome these challenges? If so, how?
How has your practice addressed technology and EHR challenges? Do you have staff members that are trained in this area?
How is your practice handling care management? Has care management been difficult to implement?
How has your practice been successful in spite of some of the unique challenges you have faced?
Are there advantages to being a small practice? How do we make the most of these strengths?