+ Performance Management Summary 1
+ Content in Context How do you support the performance and development of the best? 2 Performance Management Performance Management and Evaluation Summary
+ What Is Performance Management? Performance Management is the systematic process for managing employees’ individual and collective performance towards achieving the organization’s goals and mission Performance management includes: Articulating clearly performance standards for a role Observing and evaluating performance Providing feedback, development, and support to foster improvement Taking other action – development, promotion, compensation, dismissal, etc. – based on performance 3 More than Just Evaluation Performance Management and Evaluation Summary
+ 4 USHCA Performance Management Pyramid Use Data to Drive Decisions Performance Management and Evaluation Summary
+ Why Is This Important? 5 Performance Management In education today, it’s often challenging to identify high and low performers “Nearly all teachers—99 percent in many districts—earn the ‘satisfactory’ rating.” p.1. TNTP, 2010 TNTP, 2010 Performance Management sets a clear and replicable path for how employees can positively impact and contribute to the organization Employees want opportunities to learn and grow to perform at high levels – this also supports employee engagement and retention Performance Management and Evaluation Summary
+ Keep in Mind Involve employees in creating/updating performance management systems Remember that Performance Management is more than evaluation Provide employees with clear and consistent standards, as well as regular, actionable feedback on performance Integrate performance management systems with systems for development, promotion, compensation, dismissal, etc. Ensure labor agreements support, rather than hinder, a performance management system that allows differentiation of performance 6 Things to Remember Performance Management and Evaluation Summary
+ Making Connections Teacher Evaluation Systems: Major Challenges and Potential Solutions Explores key questions in the area of teacher evaluation, as well as lists major challenges faced and potential solutions, where possible Using Your Evaluation Data to Drive Decision-Making Identifies school- and district-level decisions that can be made using evaluation data Sample Scorecard – Teacher Provides a sample template scorecard for the role of a teacher based on the book Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street. This template can be customized for each particular vacancy by subject, grade-level, school needs, etc. 7 Related Content Performance Management and Evaluation Summary