BBI 2O Unit Two
What is: An entrepreneur – Entrepreneurship –
Identify the famous entrepreneurs…
Mark Zuckerberg
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield
Steve Jobs
William & Alfred Billes
Christine Magee
Guy Laliberte & Guy Caron
Entrepreneurs bring together various resources in order to pursue a venture that addresses some need, want, or problem in an innovative way; Entrepreneurs have the ability to see what others have not seen and the courage and skill to act on the opportunities perceived; Entrepreneurs carefully weigh “opportunities” against “risk” before acting
Venture: A business undertaking involving some risk, established with the expectation of gain or profit. Opportunity: Arises from a change or a trend that has resulted in the generation of a problem, need, or want. Risk: The chance of possible loss of money or reputation that entrepreneurs take when starting a new venture.
Create new products/services to provide convenience. Create competition that lowers price. Eg. Game consoles Find new ways of making products available. Eg. On-line groceries Create jobs (Multiplier effect) Increase in # of products produced in our economy economic growth. Increase in Canada’s GNP Create new opportunities. Provide a spirit of adventure. Eg. Cirque du Soleil Help communities to progress and grow. Help Canada compete internationally and be recognized in the global economy (globalization). Eg. The space arm.
You are your own boss and have control over your future Choices (e.g., you set your hours, you can choose your employees, etc.) - There are more opportunities for you to make decisions. Opportunities to fully utilize your talents, skills, knowledge, and creativity Financial rewards (e.g., profit, income, and tax advantages) Job security (You create your own employment.) Variety in your work routine Self-satisfaction, personal achievement, and recognition
Chance of business failure Time-consuming (can work more hours) Income may not be as secure or regular as it would be working for someone else Pressure to succeed Stress Financial risk Sacrifices (e.g., may not have us much family time, may have to make financial sacrifices, etc., in order to succeed) Responsibility (There are many different responsibilities and roles you will need to assume.)
ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARACTERISTICS All entrepreneurs possess similar characteristics
In groups of 3, draw an entrepreneurial person. You will identify different entrepreneurial characteristics through the features of the body (see example). The more details the better. Draw your person on the chart paper provided. Each group will present their entrepreneur to the class.
Read the article about the famous entrepreneurs and answer the questions
Having a skill means you have the ability to do something specific. Carpenter -> woodworking skills Chef -> cooking skills It is easier to learn a skill than it is to develop a characteristic To be successful, entrepreneurs need a variety of skills
Interpersonal Skills Critical-thinking Skills Practical Skills Creative-thinking Skills Are essential for an entrepreneur to be successfull.
Interpersonal Skills Ability to: Talk to others Listen and understand what others are saying Motivate Encourage Negotiating and resolving conflicts Communication with suppliers Maintain positive customer relationships
Critical-thinking Skills Creative-thinking Skills Ability to: Solve problems by looking at a variety of solutions Make a decision and act on it Set goals Plan out how to achieve the goal and act out the plan Generate ideas Identify opportunities
Practical Skills This is the ability to use special tools designed for a specific job.
What characteristics and skills do you possess? Complete the skills inventory and summarize your entrepreneurial strengths and weaknesses
In groups of 4 decide on a new business that you would start in Georgetown Think About: Who you would target? Where would you put it? Why is this needed in Georgetown? Who would your competitors be? Why would this be successful?
Presentation: Fuse the Flavour – Drew and Jordan Dragon’s Den – what are the characteristics and skills that you can identify from the entrepreneurs in this episode?
DAY 4 – Invention and Innovation
What do these words mean?
An invention is a product or process that does something that has never been done before. Some Canadian inventions: Basketball – James Naismith (1892) Canadarm – SPAR Aerospace Limited (1981) Goalie mask – Jacques Plante (1960) Insulin – Dr. Banting and Dr. Best (1921) Zipper – Gideon Sundback (1913) Snowmobile – J.A. Bombardier (1922) Lacrosse – Canada’s Aboriginal peoples
Innovation means making a change to improve a product that already exists. It can be a change in the way a product is: used packaged marketed distributed designed manufactured
When was the last time you used Scotch Tape? When it was first introduced in 1948, it was suggested it be used for: Cover clothespins to prevent clothing snags Prevent plaster cracks when hanging pictures Cover bandages Attach coins to cards sent in the mail Smooth the ends of curtain rods Fix tears in plastic aprons Wrap household garbage
Entrepreneurs can be both inventors and innovators It is usually easier for innovators to be entrepreneurs, because inventors need to start from scratch and innovators can build on what already exists.
Examine the following photos and determine whether each item is an invention or an innovation
What are some of the challenges associated with being an inventor? Capital Originality of idea Time to develop Protecting ideas Patents/Copyrights Getting idea to market
What are some of the challenges associated with being an innovator? Capital Ensuring idea is original Copyright/Patents Time to market Demonstrating to public a new need or want Marketing the features of the product
Investigating local entrepreneurs – introduction see assignment instructions
DAY 5 & 6 Computer lab Assignment: Investigating Local Entrepreneurs DAY 7 - Presentations
DAY 8 – Entrepreneurship Jeopardy DAY 9 – Entrepreneurship Quiz
Identify the characteristics and the skills that the entrepreneurs possess Is the product an invention or an innovation? Explain.