Economics is a study of how people and companies use limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants Canada has a mixed economy under which both the private sector and the state direct the economy Four factors of product aid economic growth: 1.Land 2.Labor 3.Capital 4.Entrepreneurship
Production within a country is measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Production by Canadian individuals, Canadian residents and Canadian corporations both nationally and internationally is measured by Gross National Product (GNP) Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator of inflationary pressure and purchasing power ◦ It tracks more than 600 items ◦ It looks at prices of items such as food, beverages, transportation, apparel, housing and much more
Market equilibrium occurs when quantity supplied meets quantity demanded
Market bubbles happen if there is a sudden change in the market (increase/decrease) Business cycle is a series of economic events such as prosperity, recession and recovery ◦ Real Estate cycle takes longer to go through than business cycle