1 Faithful Daniel Daniel 6:1-28
2 THE OLD TESTAMENT Not Mythical, Ancient Folk Lore, nor is it Fictional Literature, but an ACCOUNT of living people! Romans 15:4 (Finding Hope) 1 Corinthians 10:6,11 (Biblical warnings for us today) Hebrews 11:32-40 (Daniel)
3 Daniel 6:1-5 Daniel’s faithfulness to God was known by all those around him. We see “Faithfulness to God” has never been without a cost, 2 Timothy 3:12
4 Daniel 6:6-9 EVIL MEN FULL OF ENVY, FOOLED DARIUS INTO SIGNING A LAW THEY KNEW WOULD RESULT IN DANIEL’S DEATH! These evil men knew Daniel would be Faithful to his God! If you were accused of belonging to Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you. Could there be one eyewitness found to testify against you?
5 King Darius was blind to what Pilate perceived to be in men! “For he (Pilate) knew that they had handed Him over because of envy” Matthew 27:18 DANIEL’S ENEMIES PREYED UPON KING DARIUS SELF- CENTERED ATTITUDE. THEY KNEW DARIUS THOUGHT LIFE WAS ALL ABOUT HIM! Romans 12:3; 1 Corinthians 8:1-2; 10:12
6 Daniel 6:10-17 King Darius was fooled and felt a terrible weight of guilt for having signed into law something he had not investigated first. King Darius saw Daniel’s good character, but he was unaware of Daniel’s commitment to God. Daniel belonged to God.
7 Daniel 6:18-23 God answers Daniel’s Prayer by shutting the mouths of the lions in the den. The lions did not touch him. King Darius understands God to be the Living God! He signs laws that command all peoples, nations, and languages in his kingdom to pray to God. Daniel 6:25-28 Not to pray to Daniel, but to God.
8 Daniel 6:24 [ CONSEQUENCES ] God punished those evil men. Galatians 6:7, God is not mocked, what they reaped, was a direct result of what they had sown. Their sins affected their families.
9 CONCLUSION Do you pray as Daniel prayed? (As if your life depended on it?) Is it your habit to pray? “pray without ceasing,” 1Thess. 5:17 Do you believe in the Living God? Heb. 10:30-31 Do you depend on God? James 4:6-10
10 Do You Trust in God’s Word? Have you out grown the God of your youth? Does the account of Daniel’s life have any meaning that relates to you? Or is Daniel’s life just another academic study to be filed away on some shelf?