Existing MOVA Control Existing Layout Operational Issues Including: Controlling each junction approach ‘in turn’ can result in long ‘wait times’ for both vehicles and pedestrians; However, MOVA clears approach queues in first available green period meaning that over capacity queuing conditions do not occur; Controlled timings also ensure minimal stopping at the two ‘internal’ stop- lines; Adequate gaps for vehicles exiting the garage; Controlled pedestrian crossings at four locations; However, tendency for pedestrians to cross against the red man during ‘gaps’ in traffic due to long ‘wait times’.
OPTION 2 Drawing No CTR-ACM-130/P/100 Potential Design/Operational Issues Including: Existing controlled pedestrian crossings over Cabstand and Station Road lost; Existing controlled pedestrian crossing over the ‘internal’ link relocated south to the High Street/Wyndham Way junction; Higher Personal Injury Accident (PIA) potential compared to the existing arrangement; Risk of southbound ‘internal’ queuing into Cabstand mini-roundabout; Risk of excess northbound ‘internal’ queuing due to ‘shock waving’; Increased difficulty for drivers exiting the garage; Proposed pedestrian crossing over the northbound ‘internal’ link, would require additional vehicle stop-line/signals to ensure safe operation.
OPTION 3 Drawing No CTR-ACM-130/P/102 Potential Design/Operational Issues Including: Existing controlled pedestrian crossings over Cabstand, Station Road and ‘internal’ link lost; The pedestrian crossing points on Wyndham Way moved eastwards; Higher Personal Injury Accident (PIA) potential compared to the existing arrangement and Option 2; Significant carriageway widening needed on the NE corner of the High Street junction; Risk of southbound ‘internal’ queuing into Cabstand mini-roundabout; Increased difficulty for drivers exiting the garage.
2006 Observed Traffic Flows 2hr AM Peak Period High Stre et Wyndham Way Station Road Cabstan d hr PM Peak Period High Stre et Wyndham Way Cabstan d Station Road
way Pedestrian Flows hr AM Peak Period2hr PM Peak Period High Stre et Wyndham Way Station Road Cabstan d High Stre et Wyndham Way Station Road Cabstan d
Network Travel Time Travel time is taken as being the time between a vehicle entering the modelled network, and it leaving the ‘junction’ (see image).
Average Travel Time per Vehicle [s] AM Peak Period: 7:30-9:30am OriginDestination BaseOpt 1Opt 2Opt 3 Wyndham WayHigh Street Wyndham WayCabstand Wyndham WayStation Road High StreetCabstand High StreetStation Road High StreetWyndham Way CabstandStation Road CabstandWyndham Way CabstandHigh Street Station RoadWyndham Way Station RoadHigh Street Station RoadCabstand
Average Travel Time per Vehicle [s] PM Peak Period: 4:30-6:30pm OriginDestination BaseOpt 1Opt 2Opt 3 Wyndham WayHigh Street Wyndham WayCabstand Wyndham WayStation Road High StreetCabstand High StreetStation Road High StreetWyndham Way CabstandStation Road CabstandWyndham Way CabstandHigh Street Station RoadWyndham Way Station RoadHigh Street Station RoadCabstand ‘RED’ indicates an increase in travel time
Max Queue Lengths [pcus]
OPTION 1 Overview Junction continues to operate ‘within’ capacity in 2012; Additional minor increases in delay of up to seconds in the weekday peak periods compared to now; Increase in the average cycle time of up to 20 seconds in the peak periods compared to now; All existing controlled pedestrian crossing facilities are maintained; No risk of internal queuing or grid locking; Existing vehicle delay is not reduced, but waiting drivers will clear the junction in the ‘first’ green period available to them. Recommendation: RETAIN Whilst drivers may experience marginal increases in travel times, the likelihood of over capacity queuing, exit blocking and grid locking are eliminated by retaining the existing MOVA control. Option 1 is the safest option for pedestrians, in a location where numbers could grow in the short-medium term future given the potential for development in the local area.
OPTION 2 Overview Achieves reductions in travel times on the majority of traffic movements; Excess northbound queuing on ‘internal’ link and Wyndham Way likely to be a recurrent problem due to ‘mixed’ control arrangement; Removal of controlled pedestrian crossing facilities at the Cabstand/Station Road junction; Pedestrian crossing facilities enhanced at the High Street/Wyndham Way junction; Pedestrian ‘wait times’ reduced by lower operational cycle time. Recommendation: REJECT Whilst there may be a decrease in overall travel time for drivers, individual savings are not significant and must be countered by the loss of all controlled crossing facilities at the Cabstand junction. Due to the ‘mixed’ control arrangement, the likelihood of regular exit blocking with this option is high.
OPTION 3 Overview Optimum arrangement for drivers, yielding significant delay savings; Excess queuing likely on southbound ‘internal’ link; However, any exit blocking will be of short duration and unlikely to cause gridlock; Worst scenario for pedestrians, with three of the four existing controlled pedestrian crossings removed; Increased accident risk, with cyclists particularly vulnerable. Recommendation: REJECT Whilst undoubtedly the best option for reducing vehicle delays, the impact on the existing crossing facilities is too severe. This option could create an uncertain and possibly unsafe environment for pedestrians.