Powered by FIT KID TEXT survey results school year Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Powered by Q1: Overall, have you/your family benefitted from receiving FIT KID TEXT?
Powered by Q2: What subject matter do you rely on in receiving FIT KID TEXT? (check all that apply)
Powered by Q3: Have your food choices been influenced by FIT KID TEXT?
Powered by Q4: Have you been more mindful of you/your family's health while receiving FIT KID TEXT messages?
Powered by Q5: Did you try any of FIT KID TEXT food or activity ideas?
Powered by Q6: Would you like to continue receiving messages over the summer? (you can text "unsubscribe" at any time to stop receiving)
Powered by Q7: Will you re-enroll in FIT KID TEXT during the school year?
Powered by Q8: Would you recommend FIT KID TEXT to your friends?