ENERGY UPDATE April 14, 2015 Year 2
Year 2 Energy Review December 2013 – November 2014 Q1 (Dec ‘13-Feb ‘14) Q2 (Mar ‘14-May ‘14) Q3 (Jun ‘14-Aug ‘14) Q4 (Sep ‘14-Nov ‘14) Year 2 (Dec ’13-Nov ’14) % Change Electric (10)%(21)% (11)%(16)% (14)% % Change Electric Demand 9%(6)% (12)% (6)% % Change Nat Gas 7%(8)% (4)% 2% % Change Total Energy 3%(13)% (9)%(6)% (4)% Avoided Cost $1,470$29,260$14,450$17,580 $62,760 Goal = 10% reduction
Year 2 Review by School December 2013 – November 2014 RMS WHS TBSHBSYear 2 % Change Electric (16)% (11)% (14)% % Change Electric Demand (11)%(17)% 10% (6)% % Change Nat Gas (16)% 1% 8% 12% 2% % Change Total Energy (16)% (5)% 0% 3% (4)% Avoided Cost $36,288$13,693$8,256$4,526 $62,763 Goal = 10% reduction
Program to Date Energy Review December 2012 – December 2014 Year 1 (Dec ’12-Nov ’13) Year 2 (Dec ’13-Nov’14) 24 Mos. (Dec ’12-Dec ’14) % Change Electric (12)%(14)% (13)% % Change Electric Demand (6)% % Change Natural Gas (7)% 2% (2)% % Change Total Energy (9)% (4)% (7)% Avoided Cost $62,815$62,760 $125, 575
Energy Star Scores December 2014 SchoolBaseline ScoreCurrent Score (1-100) Readington Middle School6875 Three Bridges School6049 Holland Brook School1813 Whitehouse School7270 Award threshold is 75
Program to Date Energy Review December 2012 – November 2014 Energy Pounds of CO 2 Equivalent 24-Month Avoidance 1,125,783 kWh 1,711,415 11,386 therms 133,090 TOTAL 1,844,505
Energy Avoidance December 2012 – November 2014 Our total avoidance is 837 metric tons of CO 2 equivalent. This is equal to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 176 passenger vehicles or 11 tanker trucks’ worth of gasoline.
In the Schools November 2014Watts Up cross-curricular activity – 4 th grade HBS March 2015Water filtration project – 5 th grade HBS March 2015Maple Sugaring Outing with Readington Environmental Commission member, Dr. Jay Kelly – TBS April 6-10, 2015Green Week at RMS April 20-24, 2015Green Week at HBS, TBS, WHS
In the Schools RMS Green Week Recycling Results
SEE Squads operating in all schools Energy Club and Student Council at RMS Student Voice at TBS and WHS Environmental Club and Student Leadership Club at HBS Student Involvement