N OTE - TAKING Exekias Kylix
B ASIC F ACTS Note the potter, painter, date Note the shape & function as well as the special details about this shape How do we know Exekias made this vase? Briefly explain the myth on the tondo
I NTERIOR C OMPOSITION & R EALISM Sketch the overall composition of this vase How is the tondo unusual? What realistic elements does this vase painting have?
P AINTING T ECHNIQUE Where is there added colour? What is incised? What’s unusual about the black slip? What does this give the painting? What’s unusual about the background colour? What other element of black figure technique is not mentioned but is standard for this style?
E XTERIOR D ECORATION Give the painting details of the eyes. What are the eyes for? Give the correct term. What’s unusual about the black slip? What separates the bowl from the foot? What is the foot painted in?
A ROUND THE H ANDLES Textbook explanation of what may be happening Warriors fighting over a corpse Incision: muscles & greaves Armour: Corinthian style helmets with horse hair crests, incised corselets & greaves One side – dead corpse heavily armed (in white) Other side – corpse stripped of armour
E XTERIOR C OMPOSITION Base of bowl motifs – series of concentric lines painted in black & purple; band of small stylised rays The dead warriors fill the empty space below the handles; his body curves to same shape as cup Upper body of standing warriors fill space between eyes & handles Lower body/legs of standing warriors fill space under the handles and under eyes symmetry
O VERALL Exekias’ innovations: -black slip applied thicker than usual -coral red slip -Possibly invented the kylix shape -fills space of tondo -not one single groundline in tondo scene -exterior eyes are innovative Shape of the cup accentuated by: -shape of boat in the tondo complements shape -dead warriors bodies curve with shape of cup