Welcome to Math 7 Ms. Hild
I believe that all students are able to be successful in math. After taking the mindset survey – most students do believe they are able to get smarter in math.
In a Growth Mindset people believe they can develop their brain, abilities and talents. This view creates a love for learning and a drive for growth and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishments.
Big Ideas Math Textbooks may be left at home. I occasionally may ask students to bring them. In class I will project the electronic version.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others (explaining the why or how). Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (patterns). Part of the core curriculum Standards for Math Practice
4 C’s
Supplies Students need their Practice Journal, a spiral, 2 pencils, erasers, a highlighter and a red pen.
Homework In order for students to master new material and commit it to long-term memory they need to do their homework in their spiral every day. There will be homework Monday through Thursday. It should take about 20 minutes. Homework is credit/no credit. Points are given for attempting the homework and showing your work. Work is corrected in class. Odd answers are in the back of the book. Students may use calculators to CHECK their work.
How you can help Provide Quiet a place at home to study. Check the student agenda nightly for homework and communication from teachers. Be sure homework is complete. Ask to see it! Do not take their word for it that it is done.
Grade Alert Check Grade Alert least once a week. Students already have their log-in information. The “Agenda” tab will show the homework assignments for the night and future assignments – such as quizzes/tests. The “Links” tab contains several websites to get extra help. The “Files” tab may contain vocabulary words, notes or other important information from class.
Additional Resources I am usually available before school from 7:15 – 7:40 and after school, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday till 2:30. It is always best to make arrangements in advance due to duty or other meetings. IXL – additional practice of skills or assigned as optional homework (tutorials)
How to reach me... Gradealert.com Phone (909)
How you can help Kleenex Disinfectant wipes Hand Sanitizer Pencils and erasers
IXL is a practice environment in which guessing is not an option, and success is earned through hard work and genuine understanding of each concept. To facilitate this deeper level of learning, every skill on IXL was designed to make students' minds come alive. We approach topics from different angles, offer visual representations, provide a host of interactive activities, and more. By the time students have mastered a skill, their understanding of that topic is real. And that's the greatest motivator of all for students: knowing that when their study time is finished, they really “get it.”
Tips for Parents of Middle Schoolers
Changes in Your Child Middle schoolers can challenge and frustrate even the most patient and caring parents. Mood changes are the normal result of the changes in children’s bodies and of their need to figure out who they are, and how they fit into the complicated middle school world. To help them, provide support, encouragement, love, and a stable home environment.
Time Management In order for students to keep up with all their school work and after school activities I strongly recommend to make a schedule. Decide when is the best time to do homework. Some do best right after school; other want a break and would rather do it later. Try to plan the same time everyday. Encourage your child to use and “free-time” at school to get started on homework.
Intellectual Changes Middle schoolers have a strong sense of what’s fair, and they like to think they can make a difference. They think more abstractly, and are able to handle more complex intellectual tasks. Discuss serious topics with them, give them the opportunity to express their opinion, show respect for their ideas.
Social Changes Friends are very important, and they often spend a great deal of time talking to each other. They are also beginning to take a much greater interest in the opposite sex. Students are trying to find their own identity, but yet they want to fit in and don’t want to be different. Help develop self-confidence and security by doing things with parents and other family members.
Scholastic Math 180 Plan – mvideos Overview Brain Arcade Explore Zone Learn Zone Success Zone
Big Ideas Math Day 1 – Exploration/Inquiry Looking for patterns, rules (partner/group). Day 2 – Lesson – College and career readiness through application.