Mrs. Garay’s 8 th Grade Mathematics Class
Rules Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Positive Be Polite Be Productive
Rules *All Rules Must Be Followed! If Rules Are Not Followed, Consequences Will Take Place. 1.Be seated and working when the bell rings. 2.Treat each person with respect and dignity. 3.Bring all required materials with you and take them with you when you leave. 4.Follow all directions. 5.Follow all rules and guidelines in the student agenda book. 6.The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does.
Consequences Consequences occur when the rules are broken. If you do not like the consequences, don’t break the rules! 1 st Offense: Verbal Warning 2 nd Offense: Written Warning With a Phone Call Home 3 rd Offense: Contact Home 4 th Offense: Detention Severity Clause: If your behavior is extreme, the consequence will be extreme.
Procedures Procedures are necessary to create a positive learning environment. Procedures are the way we do things to ensure maximum time on task. Procedures enable us to learn as much as possible and enjoy our time in class together.
Intercom Procedure Freeze and LISTEN! STOP talking immediately Do NOT answer when intercom buzzes! They are NOT calling for you! Stop moving around
ENTERING THE CLASSROOM Take out your materials: binder, homework, and pencil. Get your Do Now book and Labtop. Read the objective and activities for the day. It will always be displayed on the whiteboard. Head your notebook page properly with the date and topic. Begin your Do Now.
EXITING THE CLASSROOM DISMISSAL RULES: To be dismissed from class, everyone must “Take 5”! 1) Hands on desk 2) Rear ends in seats 3) Area is clean 4) Eyes on teacher 5) Quiet mouths
ASKING QUESTIONS Questions are a very important tool when learning! Raise your hand to ask a question and wait to be called on before asking your question. Do NOT be embarrassed to ask a question, someone else in class is probably thinking the same thing you are. Ask questions as soon as you are confused; someone else is probably just as confused!
Homework You must have two homework buddies that you can always contact: phone, , facebook, etc. All assignments will be posted online on our class page. Homework will be assigned EVERY night. Half credit will be assigned to those students who do not have their homework in class on the day it is due. No credit will be given after one day of missing an assignment.
Homework *Each homework assignment is worth 2 points. 3 pts = homework fully completed/on time/extra credit completed 2 pts = homework fully completed/on time 1 pt = homework partially completed/or one day late 0 pt = No credit will be given after one day of missing an assignment
REVIEWING HOMEWORK I will check that the homework is complete EVERY DAY. All homework assignments will be reviewed in class so that you can see how well you are doing and it will help you understand the material!
Tardy WITH A PASS: If you arrive to class tardy with a pass, quietly hand it to me and join in the class activity. WITHOUT A PASS: If you arrive late to class without a pass, quietly sign-in in the tardy book and join in the class activity. If you are tardy to class consistently without a pass, there will be a phone call home and detention.
Lockers Before School Before Lunch After School Please do not ask to visit your locker during class. If you forgot something, borrow from a friend.
Absences It is your responsibility to show me any work that was due the day you were absent. You have 2 days for every 1 day you are absent to make up the missed work. All handouts/worksheets will be available to you upon your return. Once the work is made up, it is your responsibility to show me it so that I can give you credit.
Our Classroom The classroom is a place for ALL of us to learn. If we want a clean classroom, then we must keep it that way. Clean up after yourself! Throw away all garbage! The supplies we have must last us all year. Be careful while using the supplies. Return supplies in the same condition you receive them. Please remember NOT to take them with you. Once the supplies are gone, we can no longer complete fun activities that involve them.
SHARPENING YOUR PENCIL Before class As soon as you enter the classroom, you may use the sharpener on the way to your seat. Remember: you must be seated when the bell rings! During group work You may go directly to the sharpener and directly back to your seat without disturbing others.
Supplies You need at least two pencils with you everyday! You need a binder and a folder. College ruled loose-leaf paper. Scientific Calculator-Texas Instrument TI-30XIIS Ruler Erasers Hand pencil sharpener Composition Notebook
GRADING 10% - Homework 10% - Class work 30%-Tests 20%-Quizzes 30%-Projects 100%-YOU! A= B= C= D= F= 0-64
LAPTOPS Every student will be assigned a laptop. When you are asked to get your laptop, approach from the left and leave to the right to avoid a traffic jam. When you disconnect your laptop, tuck the cord onto your laptop's shelf so we don’t end up with a knotted mess of wires. When returning the laptop, it must be placed in the correct place and must be plugged in every time!
Laptop Rules 1.Report any damage to your laptop immediately. 2.Close your laptop before carrying it around the classroom. 3.Never leave your laptop unattended. 4.Always log off before returning your laptop to the cart. 5.You must receive permission prior to printing and may only click print once. 6.Only visit approved websites and use appropriate programs. Students off task will lose their privileges.
Code Red Silence is MANDATORY!!! Immediately move to the back wall Shades need to be shut Mrs. Garay will lock the door and cover the window on the door No talking or noise until we are given permission to talk.
Fire Drills Silence is MANDATORY!!! Immediately leave the school through the door leading out to the trailers. Go all the way to the sidewalk by the street. The class must stay together. Listen for your name when attendance is taken.
STAR STUDENT A star student: Completes all assignments Participates in class Follows all rules Is kind and helpful
GOOD LUCK Let’s have a great year! If you are struggling seek help. FAILURE is NOT an option!