The purpose of employee evaluation is to offer employees feedback and help them understand their strengths and weaknesses. Evaluations provide an opportunity for growth and assist in measuring job performance. Many principals have expressed the need for a process to evaluate the performance of Before/After Childcare program staff. Previously, there was no approved evaluation tool for B/A positions. We now have a standardized process for evaluating B/A program staff.
Intervention Services worked with Human Resources throughout to update job descriptions and develop an evaluation tool for staff working in WCPSS Before/After School Childcare Programs. Evaluation forms will be posted on the Human Resources Website by the end of September.
The approved WCPSS job descriptions outline the expectations for Coordinators and Assistants. The approved evaluation instruments align with the approved job descriptions. Program staff can also view information about job expectations by going to the Tuition School Care Blackboard site.
Please take a few minutes to review your job description and evaluation instrument.
Begins during the school year Must be shared with all current program staff by Sept. 14, 2012 Must be shared with any new program staff within 10 working days of B/A employment Completed annually (by the end of the school year) for all program staff and submitted to Human Resources
Coordinators and Assistants who work regularly in the program get performance evaluations. There is a required 3 month probationary evaluation for all new program staff. If you are continuing employment in the BA program from the school year, a 3 month probationary evaluation can be done at the discretion of your administrator. Does not apply to Student Assistants Does not apply to substitutes in the program
The principal or another building administrator designated by the principal evaluates all program staff. The Coordinator can assist the administrator with input in evaluating program staff at the principal’s discretion.
The B/A evaluation addresses performance in the B/A program only. It does not take the place of and does not consider job performance for another role with the WCPSS. For example: If a TA also works in the B/A program, that employee receives an evaluation as a TA, and a separate evaluation as a B/A Coordinator or Assistant.