Our media development capabilities can be classified under the following heads: 1.Interactive Simulations 2.Game-based and Project-based Learning Modules 3.Video Production 4.Animations 5.Flash to HTML 5.0 Conversion 6.Interactive Courseware Clients usually send us their inputs in form of print or PDF versions of textbooks. 1.Our instructional designers create an architecture for delivering the concepts in the textbooks, based on client requirements. 2. Our Subject Matter Experts create storyboards, based on which the visual and functional elements of the application are created and programmed.
Team Hierarchy and Structure in Focus EduVation, summed up in the following DFD. Project Head Content Team Lead Sr. SMEsID Leads Graphics Team Lead Prog. Team LeadQA Team Lead SMEsIDs Graphics Designers Flash Animators Visualizers Sr. Flash Programmers Jr. Flash Programmers QA Resources Director Business Development Core Advisory Group - Teachers with minimum of 6 years of In class teaching experience -Associate Editors with Exposure in creating State Educational curriculum Frameworks VP - International Markets
The flowchart below demonstrates the various stages involved in the Media Creation Process STORYBOARD CYCLE Defining processes, checklists, and guidelines for each process SME identifies the content ID and SME collaborate to write the storyboard Storyboard passes check? Storyboard checked by reviewers Storyboard presented to client for approval Storyboard passes check? Storyboard discussed with development team Story board GUI Design GUI coding 2D Graphic Coding QC Fixing Integration Final QC Final Fixing DEVELOPMENT CYCLE Setting Expectations by discussing with the client
Interactive Simulations 1.We specialize in creating interactive simulations of real-world applications. 2.These are designed to let users interact with the applications and learn from feedback. 3.The applications have the following three distinct learning modules: 1.Learning 2.Practice 3.Assessments
Game-based and Project-based Learning Modules 1.These are an innovative mechanism of teaching concepts in various subjects. 2.We adopt game-based or project-based learning strategies to teach concepts in an innovative and interesting way. 3.These modules are integrated on Learning Management Systems and therefore become assignable homework or classroom activities for students.
Video Production 1.We specialize in animated videos of various styles 2.Some of our key strong points include, creating: 1.Line-Art Animations 2.Ken Burns-Style Videos 3.Movies from Screen Captures 3.These videos are highly effective teaching aids 4.They are also very effective tools for product promotions and advertisements.
Animations 1.Creating animations in Flash and HTML 5.0 has always been our forte 2.We use 2-d and 3-d animations to bring concepts alive and to stimulate the imaginations of the students.
Flash to HTML 5.0 Conversion 1.A recent initiative has been to convert existing Flash repositories into HTML 5.0 to tap into the iOS market. 2.We also create mobile applications and game using HTML 5.0 and other technologies, such as jQuery and.NET.
Interactive Courseware 1.We create complete courseware, based on textbooks. 2.Another initiative is to author e-texts, with interactive elements and animations from existing PDF resources.