Union County Management Intelligence Report ©2015 WorkplaceDynamics, LLC
The percentages show the amount each department’s scores are above or below the average scores of all responders at the organization in the region. Top and Bottom Departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report The boxes below show your Top and Bottom scoring departments compared to the Union County average. (This is across all parent and child departments.) ©2015 WorkplaceDynamics, LLC Page 2 Top Departments: Bottom Departments: +26% - Sheriff's Office +24% - Growth Management +23% - Community Services -16% - Register Of Deeds -22% - Health Department -40% - Social Services
Top-level Department Scores The chart below shows the Workplace score for each top-level department compared to the Union County average. ©2015 WorkplaceDynamics, LLC Page 3 Union County | Management Intelligence Report
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (-42%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (-50%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-18%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (-44%) Connection (-38%) 12th Social Services This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Social Services department compared to the Union County average. Page 4 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (-64%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (-37%) I get the formal training I want for my career (-51%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (-50%) My Work (-51%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-38%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (-46%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (-47%) Alignment (-44%) My manager cares about my concerns (-31%) My manager helps me learn and grow (-38%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (-29%) My Manager (-33%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (-9%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-18%) My Pay & Benefits (-14%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-48%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (-54%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (-39%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (-53%) Execution (-49%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (-35%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (-19%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-15%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (-38%) Connection (-27%) 11th Health Department This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Health Department department compared to the Union County average. Page 5 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (-32%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+1%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+1%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (-16%) My Work (-12%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-22%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (-30%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (-62%) Alignment (-38%) My manager cares about my concerns (-15%) My manager helps me learn and grow (-10%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (-18%) My Manager (-14%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (-3%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-4%) My Pay & Benefits (-4%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-15%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (-41%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (-41%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (-23%) Execution (-30%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (-3%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (-24%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (+13%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (-37%) Connection (-13%) 10th Register Of Deeds This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Register Of Deeds department compared to the Union County average. Page 6 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+77%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+8%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+10%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (-28%) My Work (+17%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-29%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (-55%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (-57%) Alignment (-47%) My manager cares about my concerns (0%) My manager helps me learn and grow (-3%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+18%) My Manager (+5%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (-41%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-40%) My Pay & Benefits (-40%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-41%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (-16%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (-37%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (-38%) Execution (-33%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (-6%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (-9%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-39%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (-7%) Connection (-16%) 9th Tax Administration This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Tax Administration department compared to the Union County average. Page 7 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (-13%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (-9%) I get the formal training I want for my career (-12%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (-6%) My Work (-10%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-11%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (-13%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+2%) Alignment (-7%) My manager cares about my concerns (-38%) My manager helps me learn and grow (-16%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (-45%) My Manager (-33%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+12%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-17%) My Pay & Benefits (-2%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-14%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+8%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (-11%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (-8%) Execution (-6%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (-39%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+5%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (+21%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (-10%) Connection (-6%) 8th Emergency Services This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Emergency Services department compared to the Union County average. Page 8 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (-26%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (-14%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+18%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+15%) My Work (-1%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-9%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+5%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (-14%) Alignment (-6%) My manager cares about my concerns (+10%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+18%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+13%) My Manager (+13%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+22%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+10%) My Pay & Benefits (+16%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-9%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+15%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+3%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+6%) Execution (+4%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+7%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+19%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-3%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+9%) Connection (+8%) 7th General Government This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the General Government department compared to the Union County average. Page 9 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+5%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+12%) I get the formal training I want for my career (-15%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+17%) My Work (+5%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (-4%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (-3%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+3%) Alignment (-1%) My manager cares about my concerns (+6%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+9%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+7%) My Manager (+7%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+43%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+31%) My Pay & Benefits (+37%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (+2%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (-10%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+11%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (-4%) Execution (0%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+20%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+20%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-10%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+27%) Connection (+14%) 6th Public Works This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Public Works department compared to the Union County average. Page 10 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+25%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+3%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+7%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+24%) My Work (+15%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+9%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+29%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+42%) Alignment (+27%) My manager cares about my concerns (+10%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+10%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+4%) My Manager (+8%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+19%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+21%) My Pay & Benefits (+21%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-1%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+27%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+31%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+14%) Execution (+18%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+1%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+11%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-20%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+1%) Connection (-2%) 5th Board Of Elections This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Board Of Elections department compared to the Union County average. Page 11 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+61%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+6%) I get the formal training I want for my career (-13%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+28%) My Work (+20%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+19%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+10%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+26%) Alignment (+18%) My manager cares about my concerns (+46%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+15%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+39%) My Manager (+33%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (-2%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+43%) My Pay & Benefits (+21%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (+23%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+32%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+9%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+22%) Execution (+21%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+17%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+4%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (+27%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+58%) Connection (+27%) 4th Veteran's/Transportation/Fleet This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Veteran's/Transportation/Fleet department compared to the Union County average. Page 12 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+56%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+1%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+23%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+34%) My Work (+28%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+18%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+34%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+33%) Alignment (+28%) My manager cares about my concerns (+14%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+21%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+11%) My Manager (+16%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+11%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-17%) My Pay & Benefits (-3%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (+36%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+25%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+18%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+34%) Execution (+28%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+38%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+29%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (+28%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+31%) Connection (+31%) 3rd Community Services This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Community Services department compared to the Union County average. Page 13 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+60%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (-2%) I get the formal training I want for my career (-3%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+33%) My Work (+22%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+14%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+26%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+19%) Alignment (+20%) My manager cares about my concerns (+24%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+5%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+9%) My Manager (+13%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+15%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+13%) My Pay & Benefits (+14%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (+31%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+32%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+34%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+31%) Execution (+32%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+46%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+30%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (-1%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+17%) Connection (+22%) 2nd Growth Management This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Growth Management department compared to the Union County average. Page 14 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+10%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+39%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+46%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+14%) My Work (+27%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+13%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+8%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+10%) Alignment (+10%) My manager cares about my concerns (+35%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+43%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+44%) My Manager (+40%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (+23%) My pay is fair for the work I do (+55%) My Pay & Benefits (+39%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (-8%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+27%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+18%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+23%) Execution (+15%)
I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County (+32%) Union County enables me to work at my full potential (+29%) My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful (+21%) I feel well-informed about important decisions at Union County (+31%) Connection (+28%) 1st Sheriff's Office This page shows the score for each factor and statement in the Sheriff's Office department compared to the Union County average. Page 15 There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace (+31%) I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life (+28%) I get the formal training I want for my career (+39%) This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started (+19%) My Work (+29%) Union County operates by strong values and ethics (+36%) I believe Union County is going in the right direction (+35%) I have confidence in the leader of Union County (+44%) Alignment (+39%) My manager cares about my concerns (+20%) My manager helps me learn and grow (+23%) My manager makes it easier to do my job well (+26%) My Manager (+23%) My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry (-22%) My pay is fair for the work I do (-7%) My Pay & Benefits (-14%) of 12 top-level departments Union County | Management Intelligence Report There is good inter-departmental cooperation at Union County (+42%) Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County (+35%) New ideas are encouraged at Union County (+25%) At Union County, we do things efficiently and well (+36%) Execution (+34%)
WorkplaceDynamics, LLC 180 Sheree Blvd., Ste 2000 | Exton, PA Tel: (484) ©2015 WorkplaceDynamics, LLC