American Revolution Review
Causes and Events Leading up to the War Who was the King of England at the time?
Causes and Events Leading up to the War What was the war that was fought prior to the American Revolution?
Causes and Events Leading up to the War What was the name of the tax put on all written documents?
Causes and Events Leading up to the War Who was the first person killed in the American Revolution? Hint: think Boston Massacre
Causes and Events Leading up to the War Complete the phrase: “No taxation _____________ ______________”
Causes and Events Leading up to the War What was the result of England placing taxes on tea?
Causes and Events Leading up to the War What was the name of the patriots that got together to plan the revolution?
People of the Revolution What was the name for a colonist who sided with the British?
People of the Revolution What was the nickname patriots gave the British soldiers because of the color of their uniforms?
People of the Revolution Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
People of the Revolution Who got her nickname during the Battle of Monmouth because she carried water to dehydrated soldiers?
People of the Revolution Who was a famous orator who said “Give me liberty, or give me death”?
People of the Revolution Who wrote Common Sense, a famous pamphlet that told the importance of being independent from England?
People of the Revolution Who was the commander in chief of the Continental Army?
People of the Revolution Who was a silversmith that engraved a picture of the Boston Massacre?
People of the Revolution What was the name of the successful American general that later betrayed his country?
Battles Where was the first shot of the war fired?
Battles What battle involved the British marching up a hill and was the bloodiest battle of the war?
Battles What was the last major battle of the war?
Battles Who helped the British fight the patriots and contributed the win in the Battle of Long Island?
Battles Why was the Battle of Saratoga so important to the patriot success in the war?
Battles What battle involved General Washington making a surprise attack on an incapacitated Hessian army?
General Facts About the War What was name of the document that was signed to end the war?
General Facts About the War Give a pro and a con about the winter at Valley Forge.
General Facts About the War The Revolutionary War started in the year __________ and ended in the year ________.
General Facts About the War What was the name of the British general that surrendered to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown?
General Facts About the War The patriots had a lot of factors working against them. Give three reasons why the patriots won the war.