Team: Daniel, Jeremy, Tai, Mike, Slavko (Formerly “Team Ramani Map”)
Problem: Unorganized Contests Groups on flickr often want to host contests, but the only way they can conduct them is through forum threads. Threads become unwieldy Votes must be manually tallied Threads only allow medium-size versions of photo If you want to see the large versions, you must click on every photo individually Must manually enforce contest rules and parameters No way to let people outside of your group participate
Solution: FlickrContestr Website to host contests in an organized, automated manner Specify parameters and restrictions: Who can participate? How many photos? Who can vote? How many times? How many winners are there? Easily browse larger versions of photos Submit votes in organized manner Easily see tallies and statistics
Possible Features Robust engine for specifying parameters for contest: Participants, photos submissions, voting, completion conditions Fully automated Tight integration with flickr Links to forum threads for discussion Display important info about each photo/user on our site so the user doesn’t have to visit flickr directly as often
Something for Everyone Daniel & Jeremy Base Contest Engine Setup CakePHP Flickr integration Tai Modules that plug in to the Contest Engine Slavko User Interface Mike Security Issues AJAX (web 2.0! woot!)
Deliverables Contest Engine Very flexible engine that allows for contest conditions to be “plugged in” dynamically Condition Modules examples: User is in group ‘Eugene Photographers’ Photo doesn’t exceed max number of submissions Photo is tagged with the keyword ‘nature’ Vote being submitted is not for a photo you own Voting types: Star rating, Thumbs up/down Simple user interface. Some AJAX User and technical documentation
CakePHP Rapid development framework for PHP like Ruby on Rails Makes common tasks extremely simple (examples: HTML generation, user login system, form validation, AJAX) Folder structure and conventions Database migrations Table modifications are easy to pass between team members Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Used in Java Swing, Ruby on Rails, and many JSP projects Design pattern for proper abstraction
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Database Firefox “Blog” controller gets data ready for view “Blog Post” view renders CSS and HTML Blog Example
Summary Design and implement a highly modular contest engine to fill a void in the flickr community Select goals that are attainable in 4 weeks, but keep in mind the potential for future development Use CakePHP to speed up development That’s all!