REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN ADF GENERAL – GE +ADDITIONALY Officers sit a Selection Board (OSB) OFFICER – OE Australian citizen AGE: 17 – 55 Years YOU Session Aptitude test Medical questionnaire CP testing CC Interview ASSESSMENT DAY Medical check Psych interview Defence interview STEP ONESTEP TWO
AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE ACADEMY - ADFA Civilian degree through UNSW Must apply for entry to UNSW as well as Defence No HELP fees & paid to study Guaranteed job Learn to be a leader Live-on campus ATAR 70 – 85 ADFA Education Award
DIRECT ENTRY OFFICER - DEO Does not require a degree Earn a graduate equivalent salary Develop leadership & management skills DEO’s can be pilots in all 3 services Pilot need English and 2 unit advanced maths and physics is desirable
DEFENCE UNIVERSITY SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship for studying a range of different degrees Tuition fees paid Paid while you study Eligible to apply after successful completion of your first year of study Guaranteed job
GENERAL ENTRY Non Technical Trades Non Tech GE requires passes in year 10 (English and maths). Each service has a dedicated recruit training facility. After recruit school you will attend job specific training at a service training facility. Posting to unit.
TECHNICAL TRADES Technical Trades Pass in Year 10 (English, Maths & Science) Accelerated Training Quality Training Paid more than civilian apprentices Gain National Qualification JOBS Telecommunications technician Electronics Technician Submariner Aircraft Life Support Fitter There are 26 trade careers in defence available
Defence Technical Scholarships - DTS Open to Year 11 & 12 students interested in Trades Must study one Technical Vocational Subject and maths in both years $2000 in year 11 to study maths, and $3000 to study maths in year 12 There is a list of eligible Technical Vocational subjects on the defence jobs website Obligation Free Applications open from 11 Feb 2011 applications close 11 Mar 2011 through Careers Advisor
DEFENCE RESERVES Exciting and challenging part time job Modulated training to suit other commitments Contributing to the community