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Presentation transcript:

Aktuator-Senzor-Interface AS- Interface „Enostavno in poceni!“ november, 00

Na katerem nivoju lahko uporabimo AS-Interface? Nivo proizv. obrata Tehnološki oddelek Stroji, naprave Aktuator- Senzor- nivo Delovne postaje , PC PLC, PC Pogoni Ventili Aktuatorji Senzorji center of automation pyramid: control equipment and devices of a fairly complex nature (PLCs and PCs, variable speed drives, valves, I/O blocks) data volumes of a few bytes to a few hundred bytes response times are measured in the “near real time” dimensions ==> level identified as field level november, 00

Osnovne lastnosti AS-Interface ... master-slave princip do 31 slave enot na eno linijo vsaka Slave enota ima lahko do 4 diskret. vhode + 4 diskr. izhode dodatni 4 parameterični biti / slave Max. 248 diskret. vhodov in izhodov tudi možno: analogni I/O !!! Avtomatsko oštevilčenje naslovov neoklopljen 2-žični kabel podatki in napajanje po enem kablu max. Dolžina linije: 100 m (300 m z repeaterji ) ne potrebujemo zaključitvenih uporov neomejena drevesna topologija omrežja stopnja zaščite do IP67, čas cikla < 5 ms AS-Interface transmits 4 data bits for inputs and for outputs to each slave in each cycle. In addition is able to send 4 parameter bits for one slave in each cycle. You can use these parameter bits for example to set remote values of intelligent slaves. Even analogue modules (e.g. modules with analogue inputs or outputs) can be connected to an AS-Interface network. In this case you have to use special software in the control unit. The use of analogue signals is limited for relatively slow varying quantities like temperature or pressure. Normally information and energy are transmitted on the same (yellow) cable. For circuits with emergency shut-off, or if the slave needs more power, you can use an additional power supply with a separate cable (black for DC or red for AC), both of which use the same simple connection system. Most emergency stop systems need to know the correct position of the machine’s components (detected by sensors) in order to restart the machine. With an additional power supply, only the main power to the actuators has to be switched off in an emergency via the black cable. The network itself and the sensor power supply need not be switched off. november, 00 14

Y S A E Zakaj AS-Interface? Enostaven in cenen Podatki in napajanje po enem kablu Preprosta inštalacija - rokovanje Plug & Play Zagon brez Projektiranja Zamenjava Slave enot brez Projektiranja Velika hitrost Kratki časi ciklov, Realni čas Zanesljivost Nenehna kontrola priključenih Aktuatorjev/Sensorjev Neodvisnost od proizvajalcev Veliko število naprav različnih proizvajalcev, ki se lahko priključijo november, 00

Kaj je AS-Interface? Standard: IEC Specifikacija IEC TG 178 Komunikacija za diskretne Senzorje in Aktuatorje Determiniran čas cikla, največ 5 ms Gradnja v poljubni linijski ali drevesni strukturi Visoka stopnja zaščite Neodvisen od proizvajalcev Standardiziran, na pobudo AS-International Association PROFIBUS defines technical + functional characteristics of a serial fieldbus, which interconnects distributed digital field devices w/ FMS and DP ==> complementary services for both control and I/O devices FMS: services offer a wide range of functionality and flexibility: (extensive communication tasks like peer to peer) German standard DIN 19245 p.1+p. 2 since 1990 DP: performance optimized version of PROFIBUS, specifically dedicated to time critical communication among automation systems and distributed peripherals ==> replacement for costly parallel wiring of 24V and 4...20mA measurement signals (German draft standard p.3 since 1993) PA: process automation: utilizes transmission technique specified in IEC1158-2 and permits intrinsic safety + bus powered stations (results of ISP adapted by PNO) november, 00

Podpira ga veliko število proizvajalcev & odprt Standard AS-International Podpira ga veliko število proizvajalcev & odprt Standard Pridruženi člani: Allen Bradley Banner Eng. Co Carlo Gavazzi AG Datalogic Prod. GmbH Eaton Corporation Endress & Hauser Groupe Schneider SA Honeywell Itec Lumberg GmbH & Co Omron Electronics Europe ... Ustanovitelji: Festo KG ifm Efector Leuze electronic GmbH & Co Pepperl + Fuchs GmbH Erwin Sick GmbH Siemens AG Turck GmbH & Co KG ... november, 00

Katere prednosti prinaša AS-Interface? Enostavna in poceni priključitev diskretnih Aktuatorjev/Senzorjev Avtomatična vzpostavitev povezave s Slave-i Podatki in napajanje preko enega kabla Test- in Diagnostika Povezava na PROFIBUS november, 00

Pregled prednosti AS-Interface-a Preprosto, ceneno ožičenje Avtomatska povezava Slave priključkov Povezava na PROFIBUS Podatki in napajanje po enem kablu Test- in diagnostika november, 00

Tehnični podatki za AS-Interface Standard AS-Interface-Specifikacija IEC TG 178 Dostop Master-Slave (determinističen) Čas cikla 5 ms pri 31 Slave-ih Prenosni medij neoklopljen dvožični profilni vodnik Max. št. priključkov 31 Slave enot (max. 4 diskretni elementi na Slave) Velikost mreže Dolžina vodnika največ 300 m (z Repeaterji) Topologija Linija, drevo, zvezda, obroč Uporaba Aktuator-Senzor-Nivo Težišče: diskretni Sensorji in Aktuatorji november, 00

Enostavna izvedba ožičenja ... Profilni ploščati kabel - dve žici za prenos podatkov in napajanje Konektorji, ki prebodejo izolacijo - enostavno in varno - stopnja zaščite do IP67, Ploščati kabel s profilom Konektor prebode kabel Ohišje Slave enote november, 00 5

AS-Interface slave modul za priključitev diskretnih senzorjev in aktuatorjev: D0 = senzor 1 D1 = senzor 2 D2 = aktuator 1 D3 = aktuator 2 P0 Do 4 senzorji in/ali 4 aktuatorji napajanje AS-Interface Slave IC Ohišje slave enote povezava Watchdog With AS-Interface you have “modules” to connect conventional sensors and actuators the network. The figure shows schematically a 2I/2O module. It contains an AS-Interface IC which gets the switching signal from (in this case) 2 sensors and sends the switching signal to 2 actuators. Up to 4 input and 4 output signals are possible in bi-directional modules (up to 248 binary signals in one net). Plants are mostly constructed with modules, if cost reduction in planning, installation, commissoning and documentation are the primary point of view. november, 00 6

in dvema pnevmatskima izhodoma AS-Interface slave modul za priključitev diskretnih senzorjev in aktuatorjev (izgled): Slave modul z 8 vhodi With AS-Interface you have “modules” to connect conventional sensors and actuators the network. The figure shows schematically a 2I/2O module. It contains an AS-Interface IC which gets the switching signal from (in this case) 2 sensors and sends the switching signal to 2 actuators. Up to 4 input and 4 output signals are possible in bi-directional modules (up to 248 binary signals in one net). Plants are mostly constructed with modules, if cost reduction in planning, installation, commissoning and documentation are the primary point of view. Slave modul z 2 vhodoma in dvema pnevmatskima izhodoma november, 00 6

Očitna prednost Klasično ožičenje AS - Interface !!! Nadomestitev množice kablov z AS-Interface Klasično ožičenje AS - Interface !!! november, 00

Ožičenje izvedeno z AS -Interface AS-Interface: Nova tehnologija izvedbe ožičenja Master AS-Interfaces changes the installation technology: PLC with AS-Interface master instead of I/O-cards, no or reduced service cabinets: therefore lower demand on space 2-wire cable instead of a cable tree: therefore less material, less space requirements for cabling, more transparent wiring piercing technology: therefore no de-manteling of the insulation, no mounting of sockets, etc. modules, slaves and branching components in IP67: therefore no terminal boxes, reduced numbering of cables and wires simple documentation Klasično ožičenje Ožičenje izvedeno z AS -Interface november, 00 4

Prosta izbira mrežne topologije ZVEZDA LINIJA LINIJA Z VEJAMI DREVO AS-Interface has tree-structure. It allows to adjust the wiring to the needs of the machine or plant. The slave have not to be put on a line or in a circle. The cables don’t need a terminating resistor. The maximum length is 100 m, including all cable pieces. Networks with more than 100 m can be built wih repeater. Up to 2 repeaters can be used in series (300 m). Several parallel branches may use repeaters. A large distance between a master and the rest of the network can be overcome by an extender, its max. distance depending on its working principle. november, 00 8

Priključitev nove slave enote kjerkoli Kasnejše dograjevanje Priključitev nove slave enote kjerkoli simple ! Dodana nova veja Slave Slave Slave Due to the tree-structure and the individuell addresses new slaves or a complete new branch may be introduced into the system at any time. Configuring the changed system is the job of the master! Slave Slave november, 00 9

AS-Interface Napajalnik AS-Interface razdelilec Primer Aplikacije SIMATIC S7 300 AS-Interface Napajalnik CP 342-2 Pasivni Modul Aktivni Modul Aktuator/Senzor AS-Interface razdelilec AS-Interface Slave-ASIC AS-Interface Buskabel november, 00

Uporaba Repeaterja Master max. 100 m max. 100 m AS-Interface- Napajanje AS-Interface- Napajanje Repeater november, 00

Uporaba Extenderja Master max. 100 m max. 100 m AS-Interface- napajanje Extender november, 00

APM- Alternating pulse modulation november, 00

Programska oprema ASimon Funkcije Asimona: vpis nove konfiguracije sistema (določitev AS-i naslova varnostnemu monitorju) vpis konfiguracije AS-i omrežja (kateri Slavi so varnostne naprave) nastavitev diagnosticiranja (diagnosticiranje preko AS-i vodila) zagon AS-i monitorja pisanje programa nalaganje programov iz PC na varnostni monitor ali obratno spremljanje statusa varnostnega monitorja zaklepanje in odklepanje programa izpis varnostnega protokola Osnovno okno Asimon november, 00

Naslavljanje slave enot Območje naslovov je 01-31 Slave enote imajo vnaprej nastavljen naslov 00 Podvojeni naslovi niso dopustni Dodeljevanje naslovov: S pomočjo naprave za naslavljanje Master avtomatsko dodeli naslove november, 00

Naslavljanje slave enot (Simatic PLC) n: začetni naslov Slave 1: I n.0 I n.1 I n.2 I n.3 Slave 2: I (n+1).4 I (n+1).5 I (n+1). 6 I (n+1). 7 november, 00

Način delovanja: Master - Slave MASTER POŠILJA The AS-Interface system contains one master and up to 31 slaves. Communications between master and slaves runs cyclically: First the master sends a call to a certain slave. (for example: Hello Slave 3, please set output 2 and send me the status of your 4 data channels). The called slave answers immediately. After a short break the master calls up the slave with the next address. After slave 31 and one additional call the cycle is complete and starts again at slave 1 ... Unregistered addresses are skipped. Time for one full cycle is 5 ms for a network with 31 slaves including a repeating call (which sometimes happens if the system detects an incorrect telegram). Important for the user: The master organises the date transfer by his own firmware. There is no programming or configuring by the user. To him the master looks very much like a traditional I/O card handling input and output process images! SLAVE ODGOVARJA november, 00 13

negative puls as startbit positive puls as stopbit Visoka zanesljivost delovanja Vsako sporočilo - telegram se preveri z metodo paritete. S tem se doseže visoka zanesljivost ugotavljanja napak. Za ponovitev enega sporočila - telegrama je potrebno le 150 µs ,kar pa je že vključeno v čas cikla. AS-Interface lahko uporabimo tudi v okolju, kjer so prisotne močne elektromagnetne motnje (varilni stroji, frekvenčni pretvorniki). High data security is assured by checking of telegrams and signal quality: negative puls as startbit positive puls as stopbit alternating puls structure observing of pauses between two signals observing the time dependance of the pulses observing the amplitudes of the pulses securing telegrams by checking the parity timeout checking of telegram length High availabilty of the system is assured by a low figure of faults even under difficult conditions repetition a single teltgram only (in case of a fault) november, 00 15

AS- Interface – enostavnost, cenenost Nizki stroški ožičenja Visoka zanesljivost delovanja tudi v najtežjih pogojih Omrežje, ki deluje v realnem času Omrežje je vsestransko uporabno Omrežje s preprosto izvedbo ožičenja Omrežje, ki ga lahko hitro in preprosto razširimo Znak ustreznosti ASI standardu: november, 00 16

SIMATIC NET Argumenti, ki nas prepričajo... SIMATIC NET - varna Investicija zaradi: Visoka zanesljivost Celoten spekter mrež Priključitev na PROFIBUS in Industrijski Ethernet preko SIMATIC CPU-jev Odprte mreže, odprti Protokoli Veliko delujočih sistemov november, 00