Урок английского языка в 11 классе. Тема: Australian Wildlife ( Природа Австралии). Авторы учебника: “Happy English-3” Клементьева Т.Б., Д. Шэннон
Цель урока: Обобщить и систематизировать теоретические знания и практические умения и навыки учащихся по теме. Задачи: 1.Практиковать учащихся в применении лексических и страноведческих знаний по теме в устной речи, грамматической темы “Subjunctive Mood” в письменной и устной речи. 2. Проконтролировать умения ведения монолога, диалога и полилога. 3. Развивать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся, умений анализа, рефлексии, самоконтроля и взаимоконтроля. 4. Развивать навыки коллективной творческой работы в группах, проектной деятельности, формировать умения представлять свой материал в мультимедийной презентации. 5. Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе.
Эпиграф урока «What lovely trees and, essentially, how beautiful life must have been near there! (Anton Chekhov)». Тип урока: комбинированный. Форма урока: «круглый стол»,урок- презентация. Методы обучения: частично-поисковый, эвристический, информационно-обощающий, практический. Средства обучения: дотехнические(раздаточный материал: карточки с заданием, активной лексикой, контрольные листы), технические (аудиозапись, иллюстративный материал на слайдах, мультимедиа). Вид контроля: минипроект, монолог, диалог по теме, составление предложений с использованием изученного грамматического и лексического материала, фронтальный и индивидуальный опрос, самостоятельная работа.
Ход урока. 1.Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока. 2. Аудирование. ( Звучит музыка. Учитель читает стихотворение «Sunsets» by Marko Luis).
«Sunsets» by Marko Luis Beautiful sunsets Heavenly skies If you listen closly you can hear Animals cries. They’re calling their daughters They’re calling their sons. And when they hear it, they run to their mums. Night is arriving Animals are preparing to sleep. Owls are awakening They’re starting to creep. A lot of dark hours pass A mother wakes up to say, “Wake up little cubs. Be prepared for a brand new day.”
Т. – What is this poem about? - What global problems are people faced to nowdays? - Do you agree that one of them is the protection of nature? It is really the problem of all nations in the world, is not it? We are studying Australia and I hope you have learnt a lot about Australian wildlife. Today at the lesson we are to summerize the known material and get some more information you have found yourselves using the material of encyclopedia and a computer great encyclopedia and “The World around us” programme. I suggest to discuss this problem now. Let us divide into two groups “biologists” and “ecologists”. You are the scientists, you know the nature well and modern problems of the environment also well. You are invited to take part in the “round-table” discussion “Save the Environment!”
Each group will get the control card where you will put your marks for each kind of work. Group name Voca- bulary practi- ce Pronun ciation Monolo gue Dialo- gue Writ- ten practi- ce AudingGram- mar Final mark
3. Активизация изученной лексики по теме. T: Take the lists of the words you have learnt before and divide them into groups according their species. Do the work in written form. ( monotremes, marsupials, carnivorous, reptiles, placentals, mammals, platypus, echidna, lizards, kangaroos, numbuts, snakes, whales, seals, crocodiles, possums, moles, koalas, dolphins, wombats, native cats, native rats, mice, bats, turtles, dingoes). Read the names of groups and animals correctly. Put the marks for your work into your control card.
4.Проверка домашнего задания. Монологические высказывания учащихся. Презентация групповой работы по теме « Животный мир Австралии». (the group “Biologists”). T: Why do we call an Australian wildlife unusual? What are the peculiarities of these animals? What have you read or heard about them? Your presentation, please. Will you listen to the answers and be ready to give your mark for the answer.
«What lovely trees and, essentially, how beautiful life must have been near there! (Anton Chekhov)».
Whales are the water mammals, placentals. There are about 80 kinds of them. The length of the whales is from 1 to 33 meters, the weight is from 30kg to 150 tons. Their limbs are flippers. They can hear very well. Wales can be under water 1,5 hours. Their food is small fish. They have the young once in two years. Wales live years. 19 species of whales are in the International Red book.
Dolphins are water mammals. There are about 50 species of them. The length of the body is 1,2-10 metres. It is easy to train them. They also can hear well. The dolphins are good divers. The scientists learn their peculiarities with great interest.
Kangaroos are mammals, marsupials. There are 50 kinds of them. Their fur is black, grey or red.The length of the body is cm, the tail is cm, the weight is about 1,4-90 kg. Their back limbs are very long.
Kangaroos move jumping, they jump for 1,5 metres. The speed can reach 88 km/h. They live in Australia and Tasmania. Usually they eat grass and insects. The kangaroos are more active at night. They have 1-2 babies-embrions in the pouch and carry them for a half of a year.
Koalas are mammals, marsupials.They look like bears, the head is big, the ears are big and round, covered with fur. The eyes are small. The length of the body is cm, the weight is about 16 kg. Claws are strong and sharp. The grey fur is thick.
They live in the eucalyptus woods of the Eastern Australia. Koalas eat 1 kg of eucalyptus leaves a day. They are active at night. They move slowly and prefer to sit on the trees.The young weights 5,5 gramms and lives in the pouch for 6 months. The period of life is about 20 years. They are under protection.
Wombats are mammals, marsupials.There are 3 kinds of them. The length of the body is about 1 metre, the weight is about 40 kg. They look like badgers.Their limbs are strong with hard claws.They live in the forests, bushes of the Eastern and Southern Australia and Tasmania.
Wombats live in the holes, eat grass and roots. They have the young twice a year and carry them in the pouch till 11 months.Wombats are rare animals and are put down in the International Red book.
Platypus is a mammal, a monotreme. The length of the body is 45 cm, the tail is 15 cm. It has “ a duck beak”. It helps to smell and to find food. There are membranes on the paws.
They live near the water in the eastern part of Australia and in Tasmania. A female lay the eggs in the hole. It was hunted because of its fur. It is under protection.
Echidna is a mammal, a monotreme. The length of the body is 80 cm, it is covered with quills with the length of 8 cm. The colour of them may be white or even black. The quills protect echidnas.They live in the bushes of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea.
They go for hunting at night and rest during the day. Echidnas eat insects with the help of the sticky tongue. They sleep when the weather is cool, sometimes for a month. They lay eggs, carry them in the pouch and feed the young with milk. Echidnas are under protection and put down into the “Red book”.
5.Работа с текстом учебника. Чтение и обсуждение прочитанного в режиме полилога. You know that a lot of animals are threatened now. Read the text on page “Australian Endangered Species” and discuss it. Prepare questions for your partners. The text for discussion (No one will ever see a paradise parrot fly across the sky again. Paradise parrots are extinct. Extinction is forever. Since the settlement of Australia by Europeans in 1788, thirty species of mammals and birds and about 100 species of plants have become extinct. A further 57 species og mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fish, many hundreds of species of invertebrates, and 209 plants are considered endangered and could become extinct within ten to twenty years.
The main cause of extinction is the destruction of habitats. A habitat contains all that a living thing needs to survive: space, light, water, food and shelter. Habitat destruction may occur when vegetation is cleared for agriculture, forestry, cities, mines or roads. It can also occur when swamps are drained or rivers are damped to store water. About fifty species of introduced animals live in the wild in Australia. Today we have a far greater understanding of the threats our wildlife faces than did the early settlers. Yet still we have created added threats such as urban and industrial development, pollution, and pet and fur trade. Parrots, for example, are illegaly transported overseas. Often the parrots cannot adapt to the new environment and die. People are the only animals with the power to save endangered species. But, why save a species? Without a variety of species, the earth may not be inhabitable by humankind. Plants and animals help to maintain the chemical balance of the atmosphere. Forests help to regulate water supplies. Plants and animals help to make soil. They provide food and control pests and diseases. They also provide a constant source of wonder and enjoyment.)
Let’s begin our discussion. Your questions and your variants of answers, please. (-What is the main cause of extinction? - -Can extinction be reversed? – - What can affect the lifespan of animals and plants? – - What kind of threats does our wildlife face? – - If people don’t protect endangered species, who will? – - If you could save a species, would you?- etc.)
6.Проверка домашнего задания. Монологические высказывания учащихся. Презентация групповой работы по теме « Охрана окружающей среды». (the group “Ecologists”) Защита проекта «Save the Environment!» As you know not only Australian animals but the world wildlife is threatened. What do you know about ecological problems of your country, region, district? Our motto is “ Think globally, act locally!”
How to keep our Earth clean
Ecological problems are global. In any part of the world you can find them.
One of them is how to save wildlife. There are many kinds of animals which are threatened. They are put down in the International Red book. RED DATA BOOK
We live in Russia, Western Siberia. Our fauna is rather rich. There are such wild animals as brown bears, wolves, foxes, hares, badgers, elks, etc.
Our deep forests are good for hunting. It brings harm for wild animals. People kill them for their fur and meat.
We suggest to ban hunting these animals to make protected reserves to help animals with food during our long cold winter
We must not pollute the nature; make fires in the forest; break trees and pick flowers; break birds’s nests; leave rubbish in the forest; make noise in the wood.
We are responsible for the environment! We must preserve it for the future generation!
7. Отработка грамматических навыков по теме “Subjunctive Mood”. Выполнение письменного грамматического задания на карточках в группах с последующим взаимоконтролем. Continue the idea using the sentences in the Subjunctive Mood. If I we people nations don’t kill animals don’t eat meat be a vegetarian don’t wear fur coats clear the forest don’t smuggle animals the nature will be beautiful...
8. Итоги урока. Рефлексия. Think and answer the questions. -What problems have we discussed? - Have you got some new information for you? - Do you agree that we must not only learn the wildlife but know the ways how to protect the environment? - Are you responsible for the wildlife? - Have you realized the responsibility for your cooperative work? Summerise your answers on your cards and get a final mark for your work.Thank you.