Material Budget Plots and Debugging Tools Kevin Givens Univ of Colorado Oct 7, 2008 1
Outline Material Budget Plots Comparison and interpretation Standard Geometry, Strawman A, Strawman B Statistics for Strawman B Geometry Debugging Tool Hit level information Comparison with MCTruth 2
Standard Geo x vs eta Materials Subdetectors 3
Strawman A x vs eta Materials Subdetectors 4
Standard B x vs eta Materials Subdetectors 5
Subdetectors x vs eta Standard Geo Strawman A Strawman B 6
Materials x vs eta Standard Geo Strawman A Strawman B 7
Strawman B statistics From, Super Layer Sen Surf ~ 1.3 M cm^2, #pix ~ 178 M 8
Material Budget Plots More plots and info can be found here: 9
Geometry Debugging Tool Goal To examine low level info (e.g. hits, tracks, MCTruth) in order to validate geometry at a basic level (improvement on Functionality RecHits and all relevant info SimHits and all relevant info (still in development) MCTruth info (4-mom, pt, eta) Reco Track info (kinematics, position, etc) Sim Track info 10
Hit Ntuple Structure Hits (sim and rec) are organized into trees (1 branch per tree) Each branch has leaves containing relevant info (subdet, layer, position etc) Root macros then select combinations of leaves for plots 11
Strawman B plots H-> 4l, 200 evts 12
Strawman A plots 13
Strawman B MCTruth (muon gun) 14
Strawman B MCTruth 15
Conclusion Material Budget plots are available and reproducible (see twiki) These will be updated as Strawmen geometry evolve Geodebugger is almost ready As soon as SimHit problem is fixed code will be committed to CVS 16