how courage & common sense improve efficiency Edoardo De Martin Next Level Games
have you heard of us?
What is my role as
Create an environment that enables Avoid the ‘squish’ Make them accountable Lead through action RESPECT INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTIVE CONFLICT CONTINOUS LEARNING
Identify Business LeadershipCreative Leadership
Identify ProducerGame Director CONFLICT
We started with - People want to do a good job - People need time to recharge - People want to be led - People need conflict to evolve
Belief #1 5% 70% 5% 20% Overlooked Confused 90%
Belief #2 You can’t sustain crunch You won’t: - Be creative - Solve problems effectively - Enjoy what you do
Belief #3 They don’t want to be told what to do
Belief #4
Do you need conflict Stress Expression Conflict Discovery Creativity Integration
How can people engage in conflict and still
What’s the difference between conflict and
How do you engage in - Build an environment of trust - Eliminate politics - Give everyone a voice and encourage them to use it - Get tough questions out
How does constructive conflict
Recognize the Fear= Procrastination
efficiency through common sense