Hydrocarbons / Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of the chemical compounds that contain carbon.
Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are molecules which contain hydrogen and carbon There are many different compounds that can form with carbon and hydrogen There are 3 main hydrocarbon families 1.Alkane 2.Alkene 3.Alkyne
Where do you find hydrocarbons? Carbon compounds make up 90% of all chemical compounds and many form the basis of living systems The majority of hydrocarbons found naturally occur in crude oil Crude oil forms from decomposed organic matter which has lots of carbon and hydrogen!. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats all contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
What are the differences and similarities of the compounds below
1. Alkanes Are hydrocarbons that contain only carbon and hydrogen They only have single bonds C n H 2n + 2 A series of compounds with similar properties in which each member differs from the previous one by –CH2 is known as a homologous series Structural formulas show the number and location of bonds but not lone pairs
Straight and branched chain A straight-chain is where the carbon atoms in an alkane, alkene and alkyne form a chain that runs from one end of the molecule to the other. A branched chain is were an alkane, alkene and alkyne has alkyl groups bonded to its central carbon chain. An alkyl is a group of atoms consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms, arranged in a chain.
Naming carbon compounds No. of carbon Atoms Prefix 1Meth- 2Eth- 3Prop- 4But- 5Pent- 6Hex- 7Hept- 8Oct- 9Non-
What are the differences and similarities of the compounds below
2. Alkenes Contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond The alkenes are a homologous series C n H 2n n = integer
Naming Alkenes Carbon atoms are labelled from left to right Identify where the double bond starts And put that number between the prefix and suffix of the alkene But-1-ene But-2-ene
Naming alkenes with 2 double bonds If there are two double bonds the suffix (ending) is - diene 3 double bonds - triene buta-1, 2-diene
3. Alkynes Are hydrocarbons that contain only carbon and hydrogen They have at least one triple bond The alkynes are a homologous series
Naming carbon compounds Suffix If all of the carbon to carbon bonds are single -ane If there is at least one carbon- carbon bond is a double bond -ene If there is at least one carbon- carbon bond is a triple bond -yne
Structural isomers Structural isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula but different arrangement of their atoms (different structural formulas)
Structural Isomers
Structural isomers
Semi-structural formulas Semi- structural formula is a structural formula without giving the arrangement atoms in space
Make and then draw as many isomers of hexane as possible
Naming isomers 1. Name and number longest carbon chain (circle it) 2. Identify branches (there are no branches at ends!) 3. Name each branch (alkyl group) put them in alphabetical order methyl CH 3 ethyl C 2 H 5 propyl C 3 H 7 butyl C 4 H 9 pentyl C 5 H If there is more than 1 alkyl group use: di = 2, tri = 3, tetra = 4 as a prefix e.g. diethyl, trimethyl 5. Write the number of the carbon atom each alkyl group is attached to. Put commas between numbers if there is more than one alkyl group (2,3-dimethyl) 6. Put hyphens between numbers and words (2,2 – dimethylbutane)
Name the following n 2-methyl propane propane
Name the following carbon compounds 5-ethyl-5,6,6-trimethyl decane 4,5-diethyl-5,6-dimethyl- 4-propyloctane
Are these named correctly? Rewrite the names that are incorrect
Name all the isomers of hexane you drew
Saturated compounds A saturated compound has no double or triple bonds. In saturated linear hydrocarbons, every carbon atom is attached to two hydrogen atoms, except those at the ends of the chain, which have three hydrogen atoms. In the case of saturated methane, four hydrogen atoms are attached to the single, central carbon atom. Of simple hydrocarbons, alkanes are saturated, and alkenes are unsaturated.
Unsaturated carbon compounds Alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated carbon compounds because they contain less hydrogen than the maximum amount possible
Which compound/s are saturated? v
Physical Properties of Alkanes and Alkenes As the number of carbon atoms increases in a homologous series there is a change in the physical properties At room temperature, the lighter alkanes and alkenes are gases; the midweight alkanes are liquids; and the heavier alkanes are solids, or tars. Why? London forces increase as molecules get heavier
Boiling Point The boiling points of the alkanes and alkenes gradually increase with the molecular weight of the compounds. Alkanes and alkenes have similar boiling points Alkenes have a slightly lower HydrocarbonsBoiling point (C) Methane Ethane-88.6 Propane-42.1 Butane-0.5 Pentane36.1
Volatility Volatile liquids are those that evaporate (go from liquid to solid) easily. Smaller molecules are more volatile Why? Because there are weak London forces so it is easier for them to go from a liquid to a gas
Viscosity Viscosity is the measure of the thickness of a fluid Honey is more viscose (it is harder to pour) than water The larger the molecule the more viscous it is The larger the molecule the stronger the London forces which means they are more likely to stick together because they are long they get tangled up like spaghetti
Chemical Properties of Alkanes
Chemical Properties of Alkenes Alkenes have different chemical properties to alkanes due to the double bonds in alkenes Alkenes react much more readily than alkanes