Section 175 Self –Assessment 2016/17 Mary Spencer Performance and Quality Assurance Programme Manager


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Presentation transcript:

Section 175 Self –Assessment 2016/17 Mary Spencer Performance and Quality Assurance Programme Manager

Aim and Objectives Section /16 Analysis and Key Findings of 2015/16 Section /17 Education Sub-group of the BSCB

Summary of Overall Results Safeguarding in Education (section175) has been carried out in the city for the last three years, the compliance rate:- 2012/ % 2013/ % 2014/ % (450/493) schools only 2015/16 – 97.3% (511/526) including Children's Centres and Further Education colleges 2015/16 year :- Education Settings were asked to update an online self-assessment tool developed for the Board by Virtual College. Self-assessment tool covers all education settings and included coverage of section 11 questions so that Nurseries that are linked to a Children Centre could complete one document.

Analysis and Key Findings Significant progress has been made with the areas raised in previous years e.g. Question 14.6 Gender Based Violence % 14/15, 91.9% 15/16, Question14.13 Young Carers - 69% 14/15, 82.5% 15/16, Question Private Fostering- 62.2% 14/15, 79.4% 15/16, Question 3.6 (2.5) Does the DSL attend the Locality DSL Network Meeting, or the Safeguarding Briefings? 70.6% 14/15, 90.9% 15/16 Areas where schools need support Question 3.5 (2.6) Do EYFS staff, residential school care staff and the DSL have regular supervision sessions and subsequent training which strengthens their role? Does this supervision record work undertaken with individual children/closure of cases? % 14/15, 78.8% 15/16 Question 2.7 Has last year’s action plan/FIP being reviewed and a new action plan/FIP been presented to the responsible body? % 14/15, 79.4% 15/16

Analysis and Key Findings There are five questions where a 100% answer is expected, they are :- Qn 2.4 (1.1 / 1.2) Does the responsible body of your setting regularly review your safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures? 93.7% 14/15, 99% 15/16 Qn 5.6 (9.3) Are staff aware of CYP who are persistently absent or missing and have they taken appropriate action to respond to this, especially with regard to the most vulnerable? 95.3% 14/15, 99.4% 15/16 Qn 7.1 (9.1) Does the setting keep records of low level safeguarding concerns about individual children and young people? 94.2% 14/15, 98.8% 15/16 Qn 9.1 (11.1) Does the setting have in place robust safe recruitment procedures, which are compliant with the requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service? 95.5% 14/15, 98.8% 15/16 Qn 10.1 (11.2) Does the setting have a regularly maintained single central record of staff and other adults working in the setting, as advised in statutory guidance? 96% 14/15, 98.8% 15/16 Show improvement in all areas

Training Analysis Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, Procedures, School Curriculum and Adult Training School Curriculum promotes child protection and incorporates issues below:- Policies and procedures are in place which cover all the following areas:- Date Policies last approved Staff are aware of the procedures that must be followed DSL has received appropriate training Please answer using Yes, Partly or No a)Gender based violence75.3%84.6% 94.2%82.7% a)Female Genital Mutilation70.9%92.7% 96.1%91.9% a)Forced Marriage62.8%81.5% 90.9%81.7% a)Honour based violence55.5%74.6% 86.1%72.6% a)Gangs and youth violence74.2%74% 88.4%73.8 a)Sexting75.9%78.8% 90.9%85.5% a)Fabricated or induced illness 74.4% 86.9%77.3% a)Young Carers 66.3% 86.9%72.4% a)Private fostering 66.1% 84.6%73.2% a)Teenage relationship abuse (N/A primary) 36%36.2% 43.4%37.4% The question below relates to secondary schools only:-

Recommendations To review self-assessment tool in conjunction with new Keeping Children Safe in Education and Ofsted Safeguarding Inspection Work with colleges and children's centres to improve use of the tool, Develop and deliver training for school DSLs on supervision. Develop peer to peer support within schools to ensure that the work on the self-assessments is being moderated by an external person. Further analysis on self-assessment findings to be undertaken for different school settings i.e. secondary, primary, independent, maintained, to identify their specific needs.. Develop curriculum support for primary schools around areas identified in section 14 as being weak. Local authority to ensure DSL networks and conferences include specific inputs on the training needs identified. Board and Education Sub-group

Section /17 A focus group met in June 2015 representatives from primary, secondary, special and nursery. Review of the self-assessment tool has taken place included Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016, Ofsted Safeguarding Inspection and address concerns from 2015/16 tool. Outcome new slightly shorter tool. New tool launch date, old tool will be closed down and available in the archive Completion date 31 st March 2017

Section /17 14 sections Archive of 2015/16 submission to allow ‘cut and paste’ option Amalgamated some sections included 2 new sections – Prevent and Boarding/Residential New tool launch date to be confirmed Main changes mandatory inputting of evidence and improvement actions into the boxes. Copy actions into online action plan. Ability to download action plan if you do not use the online tool.

New Look Section /17

Curriculum Staff Training

Action Plans Ability to upload action plans
